

Responses from mofimadness

Azden Cartridges
Same cartridge, different styli. 
Testing speaker capacitors
I am assumimg you have a pair of speakers? Just remove both tweeters and swap them. If the twetter works in the other cabinet, then you have a crossover, (or wiring) problem. If it doesn't work, you need a new tweeter. 
Rotel RB1080 vs Odyssey Stratos vs McCormack DNA
If you have a tight fit in your cabinet, the Odyssey amp is a MONSTER amp. If the Rotel fits tight, the Odyssey might not fit at all.I agree that either the McCormack or the Odyssey will better your Rotel. 
Kora in the U.S.
There are (6) US dealers listed on the Kora website:http://www.kora.net/ 
Amp Power Conditioner or not?
I have my amp plugged directly into the wall. I found it sounded better also. 
No sound from cdp.
Sounds like the DAC is not "locking" onto the output from the transport. Maybe the Marantz is shuting off the digital output after a period of time. Turning off , then back on, resets the digital out. Could also be that the transport is outputing ... 
Snell CIV woofer?
If you still actually have the woofer, just have it reconed/refoamed. This is an excellent company to use:http://www.simplyspeakers.com 
Best Online Music Retailers
Here's a few:http://store.acousticsounds.com/index.cfmhttp://www.elusivedisc.com/http://www.musicdirect.com/http://www.soundstagedirect.com/ 
Excellent affordable cables and interconnects.
I also have read and heard a lot about Grover's cables. I am currently using Black Mountain Cables, (available here on Audiogon at auction). They are a tremendous value and sound wonderful. I'm going to try Grover's cables next very shortly... 
Dgital cable under 150.00.
Magnepan mg1b speakers
Magnepan Users Group:http://www.integracoustics.com/MUG/MUG/ 
A Job Well Done ...
My e-mails to and from Dan and a few phone calls, all were very quick. Dan even answered the phone every time I called. He is a wonderful manufacturer with excellent product. 
More female vocals
I have just recently found Nina Simone. 
Where to buy a good quality wall wart
I've always had great luck with Digikey.http://www.digikey.com/ 
Cowboys Junkies: playing live in my area
Wonderful live. One of the best live shows out there. Margo...oh Margo.