Responses from mofimadness
Azden Cartridges Same cartridge, different styli. | |
Testing speaker capacitors I am assumimg you have a pair of speakers? Just remove both tweeters and swap them. If the twetter works in the other cabinet, then you have a crossover, (or wiring) problem. If it doesn't work, you need a new tweeter. | |
Rotel RB1080 vs Odyssey Stratos vs McCormack DNA If you have a tight fit in your cabinet, the Odyssey amp is a MONSTER amp. If the Rotel fits tight, the Odyssey might not fit at all.I agree that either the McCormack or the Odyssey will better your Rotel. | |
Kora in the U.S. There are (6) US dealers listed on the Kora website: | |
Amp Power Conditioner or not? I have my amp plugged directly into the wall. I found it sounded better also. | |
No sound from cdp. Sounds like the DAC is not "locking" onto the output from the transport. Maybe the Marantz is shuting off the digital output after a period of time. Turning off , then back on, resets the digital out. Could also be that the transport is outputing ... | |
Snell CIV woofer? If you still actually have the woofer, just have it reconed/refoamed. This is an excellent company to use: | |
Best Online Music Retailers Here's a few: | |
Excellent affordable cables and interconnects. I also have read and heard a lot about Grover's cables. I am currently using Black Mountain Cables, (available here on Audiogon at auction). They are a tremendous value and sound wonderful. I'm going to try Grover's cables next very shortly... | |
Dgital cable under 150.00. Cardas | |
Magnepan mg1b speakers Magnepan Users Group: | |
A Job Well Done ... My e-mails to and from Dan and a few phone calls, all were very quick. Dan even answered the phone every time I called. He is a wonderful manufacturer with excellent product. | |
More female vocals I have just recently found Nina Simone. | |
Where to buy a good quality wall wart I've always had great luck with Digikey. | |
Cowboys Junkies: playing live in my area Wonderful live. One of the best live shows out there. Margo...oh Margo. |