

Responses from mofimadness

Dennon DL160 cartridge output w/Plinius 9200 PS
According to the Plinius website, the 9200 has both a low gain of 60db and a high gain of 66db settings. You should be fine with either one. Try the low gain first, if not enough, switch to the high gain setting. 
Dahlquist DQ 10 help.
Try an Odyssey Stratos Plus or Extreme amp. I had great luck driving my DQ-10s with one of these. Also, the Belles 150A Reference is nice. 
Vikings Fight Song: Try again
The Saints Go Marching In... 
Buy LED, LCD or Plasma
Which moving magnet cartridge mm 4 vpi classic?
The Sumiko Blackbird is a high output, (2.5mv) MC, so it depends on the gain of your phono stage, if that would work. It is a great sounding cartridge. If you can use a HOMC, the Dynavector DV20XH is fantastic.The Audio Technica AT150MLX is a wond... 
Favorites Alone In Quiet Darkness
"Late for the Sky" by Jackson Browne"Doctor Wu" by Steely Dan 
Tone arm slow on the drop
Usually a slow response on lowering an arm is due to an air bubble. Sometimes the bubble goes away. You can try to help the arm lower faster with a very gentle push down. I have found after a few times "helping" it along the arm acts normally. Als... 
Trusted tubemeisters
Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio is wonderful.http://www.upscaleaudio.com/bVacuum-Tubesb_c_38.html 
Is China Forbes pitch perfect?
I agree! I have her two solo albums "'78" and "Love Handle" and she has a marvelous voice. I have never heard any of the Pink Martini stuff, but I do really like her. 
"Moon" Movie and Soundtrack
Thanks for the heads up. This movie completely missed my radar. 
Magnepan Placement
This will keep you busy for awhile:http://www.integracoustics.com/MUG/MUG/ 
Music from House, MD
It's "Maggot Brain" by Funkadelic. 
Music from House, MD
Here's music info from that show:http://heardontv.com/tvshow/House/Season+6/The+Down+Low 
Speakers for $600.
Mobile Fidelity OML-1. Gorgeous and very nice sounding. I agree that the Spica TC-50 are also very nice. 
Noob Planar Speaker Advice Needed
"I have a little over 2k to spend on speakers + amp."Martin Logan SL3 and an Odyssey Stratos Amp.