Responses from mofimadness
MM Cartridge for Planar 3/RB-600 combo I have a Rega P25 with a RB600 arm that's upgraded/modded out the butt. I am currently using a SoundSmith retipped Grace F9E that's WONDERFUL! I have also had great success with the Audio Technica AT150ML and a Linn Adikt. | |
8TC vs. 4TC Sorry, I should clarify:8TC has 8 blue and 8 black for a total of 164TC has 4 blue and 4 black for a total of 8 | |
8TC vs. 4TC "One would assume the 8TC have eight strands per side vs. 4TC having four, correct?"Correct. | |
Help w/ PS Audio GPCH set-up I would start with the 42db gain, then try the 48db if it isn't enough. The load should be set at 47k. | |
Rega P3-24: Is the upgrade power supply worth it? Yes. One of the best, most cost effective ugrades you can do. | |
New Magnepan 1.7 R Here's the "Enjoy The Music" post about these: | |
Mono Amps Looking at the owners manual and the back of the unit, I don't think you can bridge the GFA5500. Seems to be (2) channel stereo only. Maybe they could be sent in to rewire to mono, but they are not user switchable. | |
Sundsmith rebuild. SoundSmith has done a couple for me...EXCELLENT! Both of mine were the $250.00 rebuilds. | |
Which one do I buy Pre Ject Debut III or Rega P1?? I agree with Wendell, however the Rega has the better arm. If you could swing the few extra dollars, buy the Rega P2. | |
Jumpers and attenuators on Magnepans....... Lots of info here: | |
Best Christmas Album I really like the "A Very Special Christmas" series. Various artists from rock, pop, country etc. I have all of them so far. | |
heard Melody Gardot? I have all of her releases on CD and vinyl. I think she is wonderful. She came back from a very horrible accident and accomplished this. | |
C.J. PV-5 vs PV-10's 11's and 12's I've owned both the PV-5 and PV-10. The PV-5 is the better sounding of these two. The 11 and 12 I've heard, but never in my system. | |
any good mat for a rega p9? I have a Living Voice "Mystic Mat" on my fully upgraded Rega P25 and love it. These are really expensive, but IMHO worth it. | |
Rega p-5 cart upgrade Just remember if you use any other cartridge than a Rega, you will probably have to change the VTA setting. This can only be done with spacer(s). |