
Responses from moto_man

Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
I would like to recommend the Naim NDX, which can be had used in your price range.  The Naim is not only a high quality streamer that works perfectly with my NAS, but it has an excellent DAC, an upradegeable power supply if you are into that sort ... 
Icon Audio or PrimaLuna?
I have a PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP amp and couldn't be happier with it, driving either Focal Utopia Diablo III's or Joseph Audio Pulsars.  It has fantastic soundstage and imaging, and is probably the most hassle-free way to own a tube amp, wit... 
I want a streamer
I personally use a Naim NDX, which is a streamer/DAC.  I only use the streaming portion as I have an MSB Analog DAC.  It works flawlessly, has a great DAC of its own, and IMHO, the free Naim streaming app is superior to Roon is several ways.  Firs... 
How many audiophiles do you need to change a lightbulb?
I only use lightbulbs wired with Cardas wire internally, cryo-treated sockets and its very important to have a power conditioner to make sure you get clean light.  In my music room, I use two 150 watt mono lights, one for each side of the room.  W... 
I have to throw another vote for the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP.  I have been hankering to see how a tube amp sounded in my system with Focal Utopia Diablo III's over my SS Class A amp.  The local dealer brought one over and hooked it up.  I am... 
Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?
Is there a cure?  No.  I fin that even when I have my system sounding really good, I always get sucked in by the hype of this component or that and then it gnaws at me for months about whether X will really be smoother, better imaging, better soun... 
Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars
Since there are no Joseph Audio dealers anywhere near me, I figured that the only way to see how good they were in my music room was to buy a pair and see how they are!  If the Focal's sound better -- and I have not pre-judged this -- then the Pul... 
Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars
@prof, the Focal's are indeed high end monitors and absolutely gorgeous -- very high WAF. I asked myself what I was doing too, but honestly, I have been hyped on the Pulsars for a few years.  Every time I see a pair of Pulsars come up for sale, I ... 
A tubed integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars?
After dilly-dallying for a few years, I currently have a pair of Pulsars coming on Monday that I will be powering with my PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP amp (75w in ultra linear mode) and will let you know.  I also have a Plinius SA 100 MkIII that ... 
Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars
At long last, after years of waiting, I have finally pulled the trigger on a pair of Pulsars!  They are incoming! I currently have a dedicated music room with Focal Utopia Diablo III's powered by a PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP amp and an MSB Anal... 
Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.
I recently purchased a PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP, and it is a low maintenance and solidly built amp that sounds fantastic. Very happy with it. Soundstage is excellent, switch from triode to ultra linear, 75 watts,  it’s got it all at a great p... 
Used Atma-Sphere M60-MK111 Tube Amplifiers
There is a Blue book feature on AudioGon where you can see what they have been selling for.  Another source is, where you can see what they are selling for currently around the world.  Or you can keep them and enjoy the music like ... 
Highest BUILD quality tube amps?
I’m I’m going to throw my hat into the ring as a brand new tuber, and say that the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP an excellent quality amp that hits way above its $3800 price point, and really sounds excellent. Point to point wiring and a bunch of ... 
Are DAC's overpriced?
I am a believer in high-end DAC's.  I was convinced to throw down some serious cash on an MSB Analog DAC with fancy power supply and volume control (as equipped, $12K+, new), which replaced my preamp as well (Plinius 12P).  I think that it was a g... 
Why so many used focals?
I have the Focal Utopia Diablo III's paired with a highly upgraded Plinius SA100mkIII power amp. Not only do the Focal's have an extremely good WAF, but with my system, they sound clear, detailed, non-fatiguing.  I have also paired them with a Pri...