Responses from mulveling
Amp, Preamp, two volume pots, there can be only one! It’s not a serious mismatch per say, it just appears you’ve got a high gain tube preamp without the highest signal-to-noise ratio. Your Doge lists "200mV sensitivity" - if that is in reference to a 2V output, that’s 20dB gain which is very high. G... | |
Synergy @rvpiano I can second tomic601's Benz Wood recommendation. Never bright or edgy, and never boring. Just nicely balanced and a bit sweet :) I started out in analog (years ago now) with a Benz Glider L2, and it kept the upgrade-itis at bay for two... | |
Synergy " I always roll phono stages / arms / etc when trying to optimally match a new cartridge.. " Certainly I understand try to match the tonearm/cartridge combinations and even a SUT ( I did it in the past till I found out the top Denon SUT that I c... | |
Herron HL-1 Preamplifier, Solid State; Herron still in business? Thoughts about sound? I too was surprised to see that listing - wasn’t aware Herron made a SS preamp. It seems it was a while ago, ~ 20 years. Price seems great, under 1K. However, looking at the inside - that’s a lot of ICs. Not that ICs can’t sound great, but it simp... | |
Anybody use a 5687 tube inplace of a 6sn7? 5687 is a 9 pin I stand to be corrected I was referring to a 5692. and 10,000 hours for Any tube is not common or likely . a 6sn7 has a different Sonic characteristic ,for sure worth checking out especially matched NOS tubes. It’s crazy how t... | |
Synergy @mulveling I was looking at the Van den Hul. They have a very high compliance which I think may have been your problem. I have the Hyperion MR coming which is replacing the Platinum Signature which was very nice , but a bit too polite for me. I... | |
Synergy @mulveling The Hana Umami Blue is now on my radar to have a demo’ of along with the Verismo. I have been kindly offered a demi’ of the Verismo by a Gon Member in the UK, who also has an Ortofon Anna and A95. This is an invite I wish to revisit du... | |
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge? @elliottbnewcombjr I highly doubt, lets say, a denon dl 103 with a spherical/conical stylus is going to be considered worn out or near worn out at 150 hours. The Denon 103 is also a nude conical, which puts it a significant cut above the typ... | |
Anybody use a 5687 tube inplace of a 6sn7? @audioman58 four posts? 10,000 hours? Are you sure you’re not thinking of 5692, because that certainly doesn’t sound like a 5687. | |
Anybody use a 5687 tube inplace of a 6sn7? In fact, I have. This substitute was popular for a very narrow slice of head-fi history, in the mid-2000s. The Singlepower OTL tube headphone amplifiers were extremely popular at this time, and they offered many different configurations & cust... | |
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge? I definitely should have mentioned Van den Hul and SoundSmith offer excellent rebuild rates on their own cartridges! Much lower than 50%. It’s a huge advantage. I’ve really been enjoying some Van den Huls lately, and want to try SoundSmith too. ... | |
Synergy It seems I have developed the same illness. I am cartridge bouncing again trying to find that perfect cartridge. Problem is it may not exist and this gets expensive. @mijostyn Thanks, and yes I’ve followed your cartridge impressions with great ... | |
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge? It varies by manufacturer. Several offer a "full rebuild" for ~ 50% of MSRP, whereby you receive (after several weeks) a brand new cartridge in the old body. E.g. Koetsu, Ortofon. I like this option, but manufacturers dependent on a single ageing ... | |
SUT experience Welcome to the SUT experience! IMO a good SUT sounds like "music" and further differentiates vinyl’s sound away from digital. There are many different SUTs, each with their own distinct sonic character. Choosing the right ratio for a given cartri... | |
Synergy I’m glad you ended up in a good spot again! Since the Virtuoso is MM and Hana ML is MC, I posit the fault here is just as likely attributed to your phono’s MC stage as the cartridge itself. As always our personal preferences weigh heavily on these... |