

Responses from mulveling

Signal tube versus power tube, sound impact?
Although I do hear that the JJ tubes are more durable and reliable which is why I guess they use them as stock tubes. Says who, JJ? 😂  
Signal tube versus power tube, sound impact?
I have noticed more difference changing the output tubes. @ellajeanelle This has been my experience too. Especially recently, swapping from KT88 to KT120 (in amps that support this) effects a huge difference. Swapping between different brands ... 
Upgrading from a VPI Aries 1- is it worth it?
So we did discuss potentially upgrading the tonearm but I was caught a little off guard by the cost of the upgrade- a new 3D is $2k and the tower is another $1.5k- and then there’s labor. So call it a $4k+ proposition; and the Fabboy alone is $4.... 
Upgrading from a VPI Aries 1- is it worth it?
The Aries is still a lovely table (I have an Aries 3). Get a Fatboy unipivot or gimbal with the VTA tower and it’s a high-end deck IMO. I have both and like both, though probably prefer the unipivot w/ dual pivot a bit more. They’re a bit pricey, ... 
Volume levels
Phono stage Sutherland 20/20 Cartridge Clearaudio Virtuoso, soon to be Maestro If you're at the 40dB gain setting, try 46dB.  
Volume levels
Though I listen at louder levels - the few times I’ve found vinyl sounding dull and lacking punch, it could usually be blamed on phono stage and (in particular) its match to your chosen cartridge. If you’re running an MC cartridge into a budget p... 
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
Traditionally Rogue’s lower price-tier true tube amps & preamps have held relatively good value. Their Class D hybrids are tougher on resale, as is their TOTL gear. It’s just market demands at play. And if you take ASR seriously, then you sho... 
My opinion on cartridges will still be flaky because, unlike you, I am a flaky person. Everyone reading! Do not listen to my opinion on cartridges, listen to Raul and @lewm. They know what they are talking about. @mulveling and I will keep buyin... 
Hagerman Piccolo Zero: New transimpedance head amp
Interesting. Thanks @intactaudio , think I’ll just make a JavaScript calculator where I can plug in different parameters including cable + input resistance. 1-2 ohms seems awful high for 1.2m of cable, even at these small gauges (~ 24 - 26 AWG?). ... 
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge?
mulveling, Re your comment on why one cannot rebuild an MC, wouldn't there have to be an air gap between the moving coil and the magnet structures?  Can't be hard wired from stylus to output, I don't think. @lewm sure the magnet & pole piec... 
I would do the Crimson which is reported to have more aggressive bass and punch with two poles. The Clearaudio Titanium is another cartridge I would like to try.  @mijostyn  That was my thought on the two going in, before hearing them. I liked ... 
Amp upgrade, speaker cables or both
I've used various Tannoys over the years. I've found they all scale significantly with amplification - both quality AND power - though I must qualify this by stating that I listen loud. I'm not a 75dB listener.  I've got a A23 (not currently in u... 
Gain and level controls on an amplifier-a good thing?
I’ve tried bi-amping a few times now, and even with the SAME two stereo amps I end up with a nagging feeling it’s robbing some of the musical coherence. Always end up going back to a single stereo amp in those cases. That was with solid-state amps... 
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge?
I’m no cartridge expert.... Is it even possible to build a MC cartridge with a removable stylus like MM’s? I’m guessing not or there would be plenty out there. I recentlu learned that early Ortofon Concordes were MC. Who knew Anything's possibl... 
Gain and level controls on an amplifier-a good thing?
Good if you have a use case. Not good otherwise. Perfect answer here by @fuzztone