Responses from mulveling
Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue I think the common emergent theme here is: don't JUST use a gel pad dip (whether Onzow, DS Audio, etc). You should also implement proper & frequent brushing. Adding the occasional liquid cleaner might not be a bad idea for some. The ultrasoni... | |
Manley Chinook - setting for Ortofon Quintet Black S I don’t have a Quintet but have used several similar Ortofon MCs. You definitely want 60dB over 45dB. But even 60 is a bit too low for that 0.3mV output, imho. The "Special Edition" Chinook from Upscale appears to add a 65dB gain mode which would ... | |
How to tame a bright system? Sorry OP - this seems very, very unbalanced: a high dollar, highly resolving upstream, paired with $900 metal dome tweeter 2-way bookshelf speakers. The Fire XLR alone lists at $3,500 / 1m. I think a lot of folks would’ve predicted the issues you’... | |
TANNOY will stop Hi-FI ? The fact that a new UK / Euro factory has not yet been identified is very concerning, for the Legacy and Prestige lines. But I can report I received excellent support/service from MusicTribe this past month, regarding the order of spare tweeter di... | |
Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust. Dang guys, don't throw your DS Audios and Onzows in the trash just yet. | |
Requesting recommendations for phono stage Another pitch in for the Hagerman Trumpet MC. Really good for the money!! Sweet, warm and open sound. | |
Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust. And wait just a minute here - how about the crap showing on the TOP side of cantilever? I doubt Onzow could be culpable for that. Maybe the pictured cartridge’s owner is a hairspray aficionado. I remember in the 80s I would go to steal my sister’s... | |
Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust. I’m skeptical this can be solely attributed to the Zerodust, without some other "unusual" factors coming to light. Either way, it’s not going to affect my occasional use of the DS Audio gel pad. I also scrub the stylus after each session with Magi... | |
Audioquest Firebird Zero I had a similar question for AQ, and was advised that the William Tell Silver biwire would be a better choice than Thunderbird biwire (I did mention I have 96dB Tannoys). The cost for these 2 configurations is very close. I was also told this woul... | |
Mc 240 vs. Prima Luna I've heard the nasty downside of bridging, with solid-state amps which I loved in stereo mode (Phison A2.120 SE), and they lost their sweetness in mono/bridge. But tube amps can be a different story, probably in part because you can change taps to... | |
Mc 240 vs. Prima Luna This model of McIntosh doesn't even have the blue meters lol. And considering non-sonic attributes, the McIntosh amps will hold value a hell of a lot better than Prima Luna. They'll basically never go down. | |
Mc 240 vs. Prima Luna I disagree that doubling up the current tube amp won’t gain you much. I have a pair of VAC 200iQ tube amps, and running mono is a clear and significant improvement over a single amp in stereo mode. I have 96dB / 8 ohm speakers, so the increase fro... | |
Tube Vs. SS Preamps If you’re not sure whether you want tube or SS sound, check out the 6H30 based preamps. Great tube! Super clean, linear, and resolving. If you want a more traditional "sweet" tube sound, I'd stick to those that use 6922 or 6SN7 in their circuit. | |
The "great" sound of reel to reel explained My first good turntable setup, ~ 3K including phono stage, was very enjoyable to me - much more than CD. About a year into that I picked up a Pioneer RT-1020L and a bunch of Maxell UD 35-90 tapes containing some unknown guy’s needledrops (mostly 1... | |
Preamp recommendations for my system please Why not a "plain" Ref 6? That can be had for under 10K. Snagging a 6SE at that price point is...optimistic. I’ve moved on from my Ref 6, to a VAC Master, and yet I still admire the 6. It’s really a matter of system matching and personal preference... |