

Responses from mulveling

Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please
@astolforYes, Koetsus are a bit harrowing to align because of the big boxy body, and they tend to ride fairly low - overhang positioning is OK but it's a little challenging to see enough of the cantilever to align it. Usually the cantilever will b... 
Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please
Those 3 all seem like great choices. And you have a great system. I used to own Kensington - now Canterbury - and Koetsu cartridges get along *exceptionally* well with them both! 
How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?
Everything matters. Amp matters a lot. Recently I’ve owned 3 amps I can swap among in my system. Each has a very distinct sound. All 3 are way more than enough power (120 - 275 Watts / ch) for my 96dB Tannoys, so overhead & drive capabilities ... 
Ortofon Cadenza vs. old Ortofon MC30 Super2 ?
Based on having an old MC20 still kicking around and having gone through the Cadenza / Kontrapunk / Windfeld / A90 lines - no, I don’t think a new Cadenza will the same "house" sound as your MC30 Super. The older motors used very low impedance coi... 
My kiseki Blackheart nightmare.
There seems to be a disturbing incidence of Kiseki issue reports over the last few years. Not a LOT in absolute number to be sure (countered by the fact these must be very low volume sales numbers), but seemingly more than the other major cartridg... 
Phono preamp tube rolling.
@lowrider57 I have a very good friend, younger and with better ears than mine - he says the exact same things about that Soviet 1578 tube. Yes the vintage/make is supposedly very specific and very important. Something abut round plate holes too, e... 
Phono preamp tube rolling.
It’s been a long time since I played with lots of vintage 6SN7, in a crazy headphone amp (and briefly later on in a Rogue 99 Magnum preamp). I do remember the Tung Sol BGRP sounded the most unique out of all, and the best to my ears. An extremely ... 
Phono preamp tube rolling.
Chelmers would be relabeled tubes from a large maker - could be USA or China. Probably USA if small signal. I had an old Hagerman Trumpet (wood tower type) that was supplied with Chelmer 6072 (12AY7) which looked like they were either old-stock Sy... 
amp pre amp matching
250 ohms into 22K is perfectly fine, on paper. The < 100pF recommendation is odd. A lot of audiophile interconnects will exceed that. And by a LOT, if your doing a long run to the amps. 
Phono preamp tube rolling.
gakertyMullards have never lasted too long in a phono stage or any other application here, for the reason you colorfully cite :)The Zestos looks lovely and its use of an asymmetric dual-triode is very interesting! Use of output transformers is coo... 
Phono preamp tube rolling.
@surfmuz The 12 ax7/ ay7 / at7 aren’t really the same thing with different gain. They have very different plate resistances and drive capabilities, for starters. The Ares’ 12au7 slots are mu followers with a lot of flexibility - one element per tu... 
Phono preamp tube rolling.
I’ve done a ton of tube Rolling over the years on the Ares Magnum. The 12ax7 slots make a huge difference. My 3 favorites, from most favorite to less favorite:1. Mazda silver plates - These have a little extra energy on top, so maybe not the best ... 
Calling all Sota fans.
Yes, the latest SOTA series Nova VI / Cosmos V / Millenia Eclipse have upgraded a LOT on the tech and materials. And of course, the vintage SOTA tables were built to be incredibly reliable and sound awesome for the money - plus there are a LOT out... 
Do small preamp tubes 12ax7 need to be matched?
Some circuit slots are going to be more tolerant of ax7 / at7 / au7 / ay7 type swaps than others. Just depends on the circuit. Cathode followers and mu followers tend to be pretty tolerant, though 12ax7 probably aren’t the best choice for driving ... 
Premature gear defenestrations
I’ve sold and regretted quite a lot over the years. There are many instances when I’ve sold and rebought later. There even are a few instances where I’ve sold and rebought a piece 2 or 3 times! But as time marches on and the system has evolved upw...