Responses from mulveling
Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please @astolforYes, Koetsus are a bit harrowing to align because of the big boxy body, and they tend to ride fairly low - overhang positioning is OK but it's a little challenging to see enough of the cantilever to align it. Usually the cantilever will b... | |
Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please Those 3 all seem like great choices. And you have a great system. I used to own Kensington - now Canterbury - and Koetsu cartridges get along *exceptionally* well with them both! | |
How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components? Everything matters. Amp matters a lot. Recently I’ve owned 3 amps I can swap among in my system. Each has a very distinct sound. All 3 are way more than enough power (120 - 275 Watts / ch) for my 96dB Tannoys, so overhead & drive capabilities ... | |
Ortofon Cadenza vs. old Ortofon MC30 Super2 ? Based on having an old MC20 still kicking around and having gone through the Cadenza / Kontrapunk / Windfeld / A90 lines - no, I don’t think a new Cadenza will the same "house" sound as your MC30 Super. The older motors used very low impedance coi... | |
My kiseki Blackheart nightmare. There seems to be a disturbing incidence of Kiseki issue reports over the last few years. Not a LOT in absolute number to be sure (countered by the fact these must be very low volume sales numbers), but seemingly more than the other major cartridg... | |
Phono preamp tube rolling. @lowrider57 I have a very good friend, younger and with better ears than mine - he says the exact same things about that Soviet 1578 tube. Yes the vintage/make is supposedly very specific and very important. Something abut round plate holes too, e... | |
Phono preamp tube rolling. It’s been a long time since I played with lots of vintage 6SN7, in a crazy headphone amp (and briefly later on in a Rogue 99 Magnum preamp). I do remember the Tung Sol BGRP sounded the most unique out of all, and the best to my ears. An extremely ... | |
Phono preamp tube rolling. Chelmers would be relabeled tubes from a large maker - could be USA or China. Probably USA if small signal. I had an old Hagerman Trumpet (wood tower type) that was supplied with Chelmer 6072 (12AY7) which looked like they were either old-stock Sy... | |
amp pre amp matching 250 ohms into 22K is perfectly fine, on paper. The < 100pF recommendation is odd. A lot of audiophile interconnects will exceed that. And by a LOT, if your doing a long run to the amps. | |
Phono preamp tube rolling. gakertyMullards have never lasted too long in a phono stage or any other application here, for the reason you colorfully cite :)The Zestos looks lovely and its use of an asymmetric dual-triode is very interesting! Use of output transformers is coo... | |
Phono preamp tube rolling. @surfmuz The 12 ax7/ ay7 / at7 aren’t really the same thing with different gain. They have very different plate resistances and drive capabilities, for starters. The Ares’ 12au7 slots are mu followers with a lot of flexibility - one element per tu... | |
Phono preamp tube rolling. I’ve done a ton of tube Rolling over the years on the Ares Magnum. The 12ax7 slots make a huge difference. My 3 favorites, from most favorite to less favorite:1. Mazda silver plates - These have a little extra energy on top, so maybe not the best ... | |
Calling all Sota fans. Yes, the latest SOTA series Nova VI / Cosmos V / Millenia Eclipse have upgraded a LOT on the tech and materials. And of course, the vintage SOTA tables were built to be incredibly reliable and sound awesome for the money - plus there are a LOT out... | |
Do small preamp tubes 12ax7 need to be matched? Some circuit slots are going to be more tolerant of ax7 / at7 / au7 / ay7 type swaps than others. Just depends on the circuit. Cathode followers and mu followers tend to be pretty tolerant, though 12ax7 probably aren’t the best choice for driving ... | |
Premature gear defenestrations I’ve sold and regretted quite a lot over the years. There are many instances when I’ve sold and rebought later. There even are a few instances where I’ve sold and rebought a piece 2 or 3 times! But as time marches on and the system has evolved upw... |