Responses from nasaman
Why power cable effect overall syste sound? I have learned some cannot taste the difference when we change a product while others can (blind testing)BINGO, enough said.Well, actually I must add, to my experiments/ experience with cables & cords, I'm fortunate to hear and "see" differenc... | |
Meridian G-08 VS Marantz SA11S2 bump bump | |
Meridian 508.24...sound compared to newer players *bump bump*Let's hear more discusion from 508.24 owners... comparing it to the newer version G06, G07, and G08. Perhaps, the latest 2 version as well. | |
The best acoustic guitar recordings?? Any one? the 1st guitar's track sounds awesome, I must buy the CD. It sounded like Spanish, but does any1 know who played it? | |
The best acoustic guitar recordings?? Let's see if I have it as a clickable link: | |
The best acoustic guitar recordings?? Hi, does anyone know who play this song and what's its tittle? Wow, doesn't it sound like it was played from a vinyl record player? | |
Transparent Audio Power Cords bump*bump*I'm looking for the sizes (awg) of each Transparent cords to apply it on my system appropriately. Please help me finding it.Also, I'm searching to learn to understand which model is a higher version than the others and which one is the n... | |
Is there a transparent MM1 version? How is its performance? how much do y'all like the MM version? What's its characteristic in general? Enjoy. | |
Jeff Roland Capri it's internal and very simple to replace. They use the traditional "glass tube" fuse. The board is very simple with very few parts, and the fuse just seats by itself. u will not miss it. No,mine has never been blown... yet. | |
Pangea power cords What power cord did you find worked best on your Denon 5910 dvd player?I have a Denon 3930ci cd-dvd player and I am trying to get a good match.BuyFast1, Because each diff cords get slightly diff results, I switch/play/mix/match with them around. C... | |
Manley Stingray Integrated amp. Mst,I can't pin point down who you were asking, me or the others? Jeff Rowland or Manley? | |
Manley Stingray Integrated amp. Pubul57,Yes, the JR Capri is good, very clean and detail, but I thought I'd wanted a little warmer, more musical. Someone once said "once you go tubes, you'd never go back" .... got me thinking. I feel good having good compliment from someone. So,... | |
Manley Stingray Integrated amp. What are you currently using?Source: Denon DVD-5910Speakers: 6-ohm Sonus Faber GP Home (small floor)Preamp: Jeff Rowland CapriAmp: Jeff Rowland model 102Is the Stingray reliable? | |
Why do preamps improve sound of CDP? In photography, they make diff filters, lenses, and photo shop softwares for cameras... | |
Marantz Sa8001 vs higher models. Tpreaves,Because a used Marantz SA-8001 is around $500 while the one I'm eying on, SA-11S2, is $2K, used. I'm collecting thoughts to make sure the ratio of performance & price is a well money spent. |