
Responses from newton

Maggie 3.6R performance dilemma..
Some thoughts/ideas:1) Your room is very large, so you may need signicantly more power (as others suggest), or depending on your budget, you may want to consider the Mag 20.1. 2) Call the company!!!! They are there to help their customers! I read ... 
Wilson Alexandria
Wpuppy, where did you hear them? How much better are they then the 7's? Thanks, 
is creek5350se best integrated for 1000-1200 bucks
I recently bought a Creek 5350SE. Am using it with Audio Phyic Brilon II, Rega Jupiter, and Nordost cabling. I'm quite happy with it---its quite neutral. I also liked its looks, and it fit into my space requirements. It's been highly reviewed in m... 
what's the best "mini monior" these days
Has anyone heard the Audio Physic Brilon 2 monitor? 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
Ideally you should listen to any potential 'buy' with your speakers in your room, but a second best would be to listen to the 3.6's in a dealer's room. You don't mention how loudly you listen. That's a factor as a 3 db increase in loudness require... 
Speaker Cable for Avalon Eidolons
Drubin,I agree, generally. Calling Avalon, too, makes sense since they have done extensive testing of amps and cables with their speakers. 
Speaker Cable for Avalon Eidolons
Guys,Guys,Guys---what matters is the cable-amplifier interaction. Its an amplifier cable, not a speaker cable! (Rushton is correct). Call Avalon and talk to them-they've used most cables on the market and who best would know what works with their ... 
Diana Krall - What is your favorite CD of hers?
My favorite is Only Trust Your Heart, which I had Diana autograph for me at Birdland (NYC) several years ago. 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Albert Porter states that SACD and redbook (cds)will be around for a long time. My understanding is the redbook cd's have an expected life of 10-15 yrs; at some point physical decay sets in. Please don't laugh at this comment. I enjoy both cds and... 
Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits
I also like Brother in Arms alot, but at least on the lp the sound seems off. Was there a digital recording/mastering problem here? I hope the remastered version that some posts mention has eliminated this problem. Does anyone have any insight int... 
Your favorite blues album?
One can never have one favorite(cd, wine, car, etc). I haven't seen it mentioned but check out John Campbell's One Believer. 
Krell amps with Magneplanar speakers
Thanks for all your responses. From the comments it seems that tubes would mate well with the 3.6r's, unfortunately I need to stick with solid state. I'll be looking into the amps recommended by the writers, namely the Bryston, Rowland, Pass. Than... 
Jazz Recommendations
It's a difficult matter to recommend favorite recordings. Besides what has already been mentioned, I can suggest two sources for further exploration. And exploration is the best way to find out what one likes as well as to understand why fans/crit... 
Avalon and Bel
Hi,I once mated a BEL MkIIIa with the Eidolons. My room is 16*23 feet. The combination worked well as long as I didn't play the system too loudly. With a pair of amps you should have adequate power for most scenarios.Regards, and enjoy!Newton 
Any comments on the Meridian 588 CD Player?
Blackie, I appreciate hearing your comments (and other folks as well). As far as I know there have not published any detailed reviews of the 588. Can you spend a few seconds detailing what you heard as to the differences, say, between the 588 and ...