Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade


With all this talk I'll have to get my lp12 out and spin again.dust that vinyl off.enjoy the music


I can only speak as I find.

Sorry to hear you’ve experienced problems.

Linn are a relatively small company and it’s a big world. It’s bound to face some challenges. Yet, I have a friend in North America who is happy with his local Linn dealer. There is at least one dealer in the UK who has LP12 customers in the US. My dealer just sent an LP12 to Africa. It’s not all bad.


Yes I got mine at an estate sale did not know what is was had several hundred lp and cd with it.he had to go to a sure my time is comming also.he fell over on it knocked it off and it fell apart.i just put it back together.i sent him pics of all his stuff in service and he was just happy to see it being also came with old krell stuff and I knew that was good.happy listening and I understand the guru for these is in colorado.sounds like a road trip this summer in the corvette.what fun,that alone makes it worth it.enjoy life stay healthy cuz music calms the savage beast.we could have a discussion on the mesolimbic system of the brain but that would be boaring.

@newton_john  Thanks. I didn't really experience problems with Linn, I experienced problems due to the lack of local dealer support. The gent whom I went to to 'fettle' my Linn is as stated, hundreds of miles north of me, BUT he was well worth visiting as his ability to dial in the table is superior to anyone I have used before, including my old and retired 'fettler'. This aspect is one that I think is somewhat overlooked by Linn owners. There are 'fettlers' and there are 'fettlers'. I never realized how much a true expert in set up vs. a merely competent one, can extract the last bit of SQ from the LP12! Hard to know when this is the case, as I had assumed, perhaps like most folks, that the prior set up was great. The table certainly sounded very good before, but since I have had the chance to hear what the best of them can accomplish, it is somewhat eye opening!