Responses from no_money
Transparent ultra mm2 speaker to ultra G5 or MM2 Ref? Yes,Transparent REF mm2 power isolator. Transparent REF G5 PC to the 585.5 amp. | |
No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer Hi Paul! How is the 5805 doing? I had another issue with mine, and worked with AA and Levinson to get a 585.5another reason to have a great dealer! They totally went to bat and made things right. currently saving up for a ref G5 digital cable from... | |
I think some cables are just a little too expensive. The network is made of carbon fiber. Go look at one in person and try to peel the laminate off? LOL... You have obviously never seen one in person. | |
Transparent Ultra or Super? G5 was better, but I would not say it was as big of a step as going up another step in the line has been for me. It was worth it to sell my MM2 off and buy these used. Buying them new would not have been justified I do not think. | |
Transparent Ultra or Super? Jason,I upgraded from Ultra MM2 to G5 ultra, it was a step up for sure, but I still plan on going for REF eventually. I don't think Super G5 will beat out the Ultra MM2. | |
I think some cables are just a little too expensive. are you saying Transparent is lying about the network being Carbon Fiber? | |
I think some cables are just a little too expensive. I plan on upgrading from Ultra G5 to REF when I can, but that is about as far as I can stretch it, and that.. is a BIG stretch for me. | |
Transparent audio Running G5 speaker and Reference Phono MM2 here with great results! | |
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions. Poor Kitty! You are a good cat dad, don't listen to the haters. When my cat wants attention she walks up and threatens my speakers, she knows exactly what she is doing. Hope you find a resolution. If the 7k includes all new tubes and a warranty I ... | |
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions. oh man, sorry to hear. This was always a worry of mine when I had big Levinson amp on the floor that all my cats sought for warmth. My new integrated fortunately fits on shelf with only an inch of room on top so they can no longer access. Glad to... | |
Levinson 5805 So I have had the 585.5 for about a week now. I can say it is very neutral, and has plenty of power. I feel it offers a more solid sound stage. The Phono section is downright killer. | |
my $686 stereo system, laugh if you want... sounds like you put the work in researching and finding the bargains! Congrats! Now I want a bedroom system.. you started this! | |
Levinson 5805 From what I am told, just the 5805 version. 5802 is not having the same issues, nor are the 585 / 585.5 series. Looks like more beta testing should have been done. I am sure they will make it right for everyone in the end its just a PITA that we s... | |
Wilson Alexia 2 Mark Levinson or another nice big iron amp, with a full Tube pre and Transparent cables. Not cheap, but it will get it done. | |
High Powered Holographic Amplifiers I am not sure you can top those amps! Ayre MXR 20 are some of the best i have heard at my local high end shop though. Again, you might be splitting hairs at this level. |