Responses from nonoise
Review: Tonian Acoustics TL-D1 Speaker Great review on a great speaker. I heard the very same ones about 1 1/2 yrs ago at a Vacumm Tube Valley show (I believe in Pasadena) and of all the speakers there, the Tonians were simply the best. The guy had a personal demo of some drum work tha... | |
How is more than 16 bits better for CD? Transnova is correct. I have the Consonance CD Linear and it is a 16 bit, non oversampling/upsampling (unless you punch in the 88.2 option) with no op-amps and most importantly, no digital filter to mess up the sound.I know this will sound lame bu... | |
CD player reccomendations please Try the Consonance CD-120 Linear. | |
Quietest amp you ever owned ? Red Wine Audio Signature 30. | |
Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp An average source or amp will make any great speaker sound mediocre, at best. What should be dynamic and involving, making it difficult to turn away, will simply tame the potential of the speaker, rendering it boring and uninvolving. | |
SACD vs. Redbook with NOS DAC I posted a review on the Consonance CD-120 Linear about a year ago and it seconds your thoughts on the analog like sound of the filterless NOS. I still like the player and have no intention of going back. | |
Amazed at Herbies Iso Cups Herbie is certainly onto something, thats for sure. I cannot commnet on the Iso Cups but I use his Bigfeet, Tenderfeet and another one for my speakers. All of the claims and benefits for spikes and cones I get using his products, at a fraction of ... | |
Can someone guide me as to what Single driver ?? Check out the Hornshoppe Horns. Ed is a great guy to deal with and he got me to take the leap. I've never looked back. Check out his 'why' section at his site: | |
Sacrilege Going from Tubes back to Solid State One amp you might consider is the Red Wine Audio Signature 30. Its SLA battery powered and has the sound of a great tube amp without the haze and glare. You can hear so deep into the recording and the highs are sweet and extended. From the mids on... | |
Small Floor Standers How about the Hornshoppe Horns? | |
How to stabilize speakers without spikes. I second using the Herbie's Big Fat Dots. They have the same effect claimed by those who use spikes and absorb microphonics instead of channeling the virbrations in one plane only. I had the same results using them under my components as well. Wel... | |
Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil? Try Herbie's Tenderfeet. | |
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this? Sutts:I might be totally wet on this but check out Nelson Pass' First Watt series of amps-especially the new J-FET one. It has about 1/5 the distortion of MOSFETS and even though it is of low wattage, your speakers should present a decent pairing.... | |
Open Baffle Phy HP KM 30 SAG update Hey Fiddler:Beautiful job. Well done. With every thread I've read at every site (there's lots) and after that review at 6moons, I'm thinking of trying it myself and I have zero experience in woodworking. Its that tempting.On an aside, have you or ... | |
Open Baffle Speakers Greh:There is a lot of interesting discussion going on at the Audio Circle, REDwineaudio, Decware, and Omega Speakers site re: your very same question-open baffle speakers. That type of speaker design and a new product from Red Wine Audio made for... |