

Responses from nrenter

Hot / Neutral Reversed
I dropped an extra $2 for an extra-fancy version w/ rubber grips on the sides:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000RUL2UU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1All the other outlets on the circuit tested fine. It just happened to be the ... 
Interesting (or not) dilemma
Stuff your ports? 
Small dedicated listening rooms
For those with “small rooms”, take some masking tape and block off 8.5’ x 10’. My room is about 50% larger, and is still small and challenging. Again, I’d focus on creating a very soothing environment around a killer headphone set-up.  
Small dedicated listening rooms
Without knowing any more than you’ve stated, I’d seriously consider a headphone set-up and the most comfortable recliner I could find. My listening space is 12’ x 11’ x 10’. Any smaller and I’d sell it all and go for the ‘phones.  
another what speaker cable for vandersteen
A double run of Audioquest CV-4 cables? https://www.musicdirect.com/cables/AudioQuest-CV-4-Speaker-Cables 
"Dead Can Dance", what is your impression?
Definitely worth tracking down the SACD hybrid box set - https://www.discogs.com/Dead-Can-Dance-SACD-Box-Set/release/1389096 
Best $40 I've spent...maybe ever
@kahlenz,Congrats! Your connections were probably already in good shape. I’ve had my core components for 12+ years, and until recently, have never cleaned the connections. My results were a bit more dramatic - I could see the results of my efforts... 
Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX Review
Not only do I own a set of GMA Callistos, I’ve followed every thread I can find on GMA speakers - I disagree with your “fact” that the vast majority of audiophiles end up disliking their sound. I’ll not engage further; I’ll simply allow this threa... 
Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX Review
@kenjit you are entitled to post your opinion, just as everyone else here is entitled to (quickly) read through your 41 other posts (as of this posting) to gain perspectives on your opinion. I wish you all the audio happiness in the world.  
Looking for a technical explanation...
The better ground connection was my first guess, but elizabeth posits an interesting explanation. I find the whole thing curious, but regardless, emphasizes the importance of clean connections.  
Best $40 I've spent...maybe ever
@amg56, I reread my paragraph and I understand why you may think my Dragon is a turntable - it’s actually a cassette deck. I should clarify.  
Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX Review
@ctsooner, take it down a notch. You wouldn’t have jumped in if Vandersteen wasn’t mentioned.  Candidly, GMA’s are more similar than dissimilar to the Vandersteen design principles.  If you don’t have the physical space for Vandersteen’s, you can ... 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
Check out this thread...https://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=149192.0 
Reed 3P dealer
I've got a Teres table, so I can accommodate most any arm (however, the armboard is drilled for a Rega, so I'd have to redrill to mound a Reed). I'd really like a 10.5" 3P w/ Cocobolo wand, black body, and balanced wiring. I'm not ready to pull th... 
Reed 3P dealer
@chakster ,If you had the opportunity to make your Reed purchase again, would you go with the 12” or a shorter length? Just curious.