

Responses from oddiofyl

Digital newbie
Here's a good primer  https://pmamagazine.org/understanding-music-streaming-a-guide-for-beginners/  
Digital newbie
PCs can sound good, it's the fan noise that irritated me.     Qobuz is doing a free 30 day trial.  Good way to get your feet wet.   I use Qobuz across all of my devices, Tablet, phone, PC,  Vault, Aurender.     I use it in my van through my phone... 
Digital newbie
Streaming totally change my life!!!  I was on the fence a few years ago and bought a Bluesound Vault 2i.   In the past 5 years I discovered more great music than in 50 years !   I still play vinyl and rarely a CD ,  but most of what I listen to is... 
Whats playing on your system today?
I meant album!,   I’m streaming it.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Gary Clark Jr. JPEG RAW.    Very good record.    
My end game speaks.
Those are great components….   Not so sure I would spend that much on a speaker without hearing it first.    
Streamer/DAC combinations
With DACs I think auditioning at home in your system is a must...   you are splitting hairs when it comes to DACs.  They are better than they have ever been.    
Streamer/DAC combinations
I was using my Vault 2i with  RME dac which was good, bought the excellent sounding LAB 12 DAC 1 Reference.   Great sounding combo.    I ultimately put the Vault in my second system.  It sounds great with my Integrated amp's built in DAC.    I h... 
Angled Toslink Cables ... How?
There is most likely a small prism in the right angle moulding  
Problem with toggle switch on Magnum Dynalab tuner
 Good to hear that worked.  I have a 102 and it's a great tuner.      
You tube hifi influencers. Love them or hate them?
I take any review with a grain of salt.  Some reviews are dead on,  I didn't buy my DAC based on reviews but it was nice to see it get some praise by several reviewers  Hopefully if something is a real turd you'll read about it but as many have s... 
Graham Phantom B44 on a TD124 or a SOTA Sapphire?
Sota....  not that the Rega is bad but it's worthy of a better arm.    SME is probably more "correct" for the 124.  Time proven combo for many. Can't loose either way.     
where I can buy tubes to my ALLNIC PRE (3A/110A and 3A/109B)
The 3a/109 is also called. CV 1663. Those were used pre WW II. Good luck.  
When feeding a DAC Hi-Res files, DSD128, 256, 512, PCM 32/768, etc are NOS DACs prefered?
I like whatever DAC I'm using to playback files at their native resolution.  It's OK if it can upsample, as long as it can be defeated   
Minimum Power Needed to Drive Klipsch Cornwall IVs? - Considering Erhard_Audio Ray
Big rooms need power.   My 300b is working in it’s comfort zone driving my Forte in a 13 X 15 X 8 room     It will fall apart if I play it loud.     My 40 w Quicksilver amps are a much better match if I were to listen loud but I don’t.     Unlik...