Responses from onemug
Pandora One on Home Audio System Have you gone into "settings" in the Pandora menu and selected the higher rate for streaming?I have an iPod Touch that receives Pandora thru our wifi network. Upgrading to Pandora One was an improvement but lately I've been listening to MOG which ... | |
Prefered 300B tubes for Canary Amplifiers Charles, I'm with you.I didn't think I could find a 300b amp that I didn't like, just some "more" than others. Well I did and it wasn't a cheap one. It was a brand new pair of Cary 300b SE Signature mono blocks.I own Cary 805 AE's which I use to p... | |
Prefered 300B tubes for Canary Amplifiers I think the WE spec was "up to" 40K. Like Charles mentioned, it depends on how hard they are ran (voltage and current). I have 2 300b SET's, that run the tubes in the low 20's watt/dis. I have a PP 300b that actually runs about the same maybe a li... | |
Negative feedback Amp=more faithful reproduction? Edwyun,Love your post and reside on your side of the fence. Curious, Have you ever listened to SET amps (hopefully with the proper speaker)? Pass is my favorite brand of ss amps.fwiw, I don't think there is a correct side of the fence. We have our... | |
How can do you extend the life of your tubes? I only turn my tube equipment on when I going to be listening. A standby switch is nice if you have one (I do on one of my amps) but I would still turn it completely off if I wasn't going to listen a for a long time like for a day or two.I would n... | |
Tube amplifiers and interstage transformers Intactaudio (Dave) is brilliant and balanced. Read his posts a couple of times to make sure your getting what he is saying.Charles1dad,from what you have experienced with the Duelund caps, what do you think a "cap coupled" amp using a cap that was... | |
Cables for low power amps and Horns? I think cables can make a slight difference especially if those low powered amps are SET's. Also seems like the thinner the dielectric, the better. Cardas makes/made a special cable for this type of amp called the SE-X (X depending on gauge).They ... | |
$$$ vs music enjoyment Ketchup,I haven't done one because I don't feel what a person owns gives his opinion any more worth "in general". From time to time when it's relevant, I mention what I own and have direct experience with so the person knows I'm not just giving an... | |
$$$ vs music enjoyment Seems like there are two camps:One buys music to listen to their equipment. and the other buys equipment to listen to music.They both exist, always have, always will.I'd think most musicians are really just paying attention to the music. I've have... | |
What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear It makes more sense for the expensive amp maker to include the cheap black one and NOT increase the cost of the amp then let the new owner spend whatever on whatever he wants IF they feel they make a difference.Of the 2 camps: The Believers will w... | |
Help with tube specs Charles, Thanks. Agree, a closer proximity would be nice.Having 3 systems and having to pick one as your favorite is like having 3 children and picking the best. You could say one child has "achieved" more and that is what I would say about my bi-... | |
Help with tube specs Got my tubes. Put 4 hours on them yesterday and about the same today. They were great right out of the box and have continued to improve.Larryi, I did get them from George. He was a pleasure to do business with.I didn't expect any issues with my m... | |
I heard BAT was sold C1,You are one of the few who know about "Ridgemont High". I tried to figure out who Spicoli (sp?) might have been. | |
McIntosh Marantz Tube Equip Repair Recomendation Audioclassics would be one of the best. Pack REAL well or you could order boxes from them. It's cross country and then back.Closer to home you have Mike Zuccaro in San Diego. Authorized Mac repairman and expert on older Marantz....http://audiocraf... | |
Took my Levinson amp in for repair If you get the amp repaired....Have the tech that does the repair tell you what went wrong (get it in writing). If it is something that "likely" happened at your Dealer, it may help in a court of law. I think this falls under "preponderance of the... |