I run EML meshplate 2a3s in my Audionote Kageki amps. A friend runs meshplate 300bs. We have both found that the EML tubes are reasonably reliable and long lasting, but, they seem to be quite touchy about being pushed beyond specifications. When I tried the meshplates in a different amp (unknown dissipation and plate voltage), I got flashing on the plate and distortion after a few minutes of operation (conditions I did not experience with any other 2a3). I think that EMLs restrictions must be respected.
Operated properly, the meshplates are quite special. They deliver the most enveloping soundstage I have heard. If someone were to characterize this sound as "phasey," I can see why, except that image placement is very specific.
If you have any questions, I suggest contacting George Lenz at TubesUSA (US distributor of EML tubes). He is terrific when it comes to prompt replies and gives very good advice--he will not steer you wrong.