

Responses from onhwy61

Forgive me.
You can do one of two things, either educate yourself on the nitty gritty of electronic equipment, or you could avail yourself to a good dealer. I would start with an amp. Find one that truly matches the Genesis, then work upstream. It's not as ha... 
Watt/Puppy 6.0 vs Amati Homage vs Andra
Anybody else's opinion about the sound of these speakers is completely and absolutely worthless. Only you can tell what can work for you. My suggestion is that you contact each manufacturer and find single city where they all have dealers and phys... 
Long Live 2 Channel audio......???
Over the next 5 to 10 years multi-channel will replace stereo as the dominate home sound format. However, stereo will not die out, but not because of a vocal audiophile minority, but due to its continued dominance in car and headphone arena. In mu... 
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
Go with the NHT 3.3, or the smaller 2.9 version. The recommendation is not based upon sound quality. Both NHTs are designed to work placed directly up against a wall. The others perform best in a free space setting. I am assuming that a casual lis... 
Speaker Front Cover
A very legitimate question. Most speakers will sound better with the grills removed, however, some manufacturers specifically voice their products to compensate for grill effects. BTW, if you leave your speakers ungrilled, how often do you clean t... 
Will I blow up my tweeters by bi-wiring?
No. Bi-wiring will not present any more amp watts to your than a single wiring hookup. Bi-wiring simply separates and isolates the highpass and lowpass circuits of the crossover. 
Bi-amping does have a logical appeal, but if your main concern is with the "sound" of crossovers (both passive and active), then the best solution is to eliminate the crossover. Go to a full range, crossoverless system. The problem with my suggest... 
Best and Worst customer service?
Based upon my experience with trying to keep a Data II transport functioning, Theta gets a thumbs down. While they were polite, it was clearly apparent that they had no system. They kept no records of previous repairs to specific units. Theta make... 
Some of the biggest audio places carry..
High end audio is no different than other high cost consumer products. While there may be synergy between manufacturer's products (Wilson & Krell, Magnepan & Audio Research, Avalon & Spectral, etc), marketing factors are also a major i... 
Magnum Dynalab MD-208
Have not heard product, but have read that the amplifier section is designed and made by SimAudio. 
The BEST system you've ever built !!!!
Back in the day, when I was but a youth, I put together the following system. The cartridge was the Shure IV and it was fitted in a Mitsubishi LV5 (the one with the linear tracking arm). The pre/power amps were Luxmans. I believe the preamp was na... 
DBT: Audio Industry's "Mortal Enemy?"
I think Eldragon is correct. The double blind methodology is the scientific way to test for differences. However, listening to music is not scientifically testable. If you want to test for differences in sound, then the double blind can be most ap... 
Listening Room: Diffusion vs. Absorption
It sounds like you've overdampened your room. Try removing the existing room treatments a piece at a time until you start to get the level of ambience you desire. Once you're in the ballpark, then you might want to experiment with different type o... 
Straight Wire "Maestro"
They used to be the top of the line for Straight Wire. In the early 90s they were general considered to be a reference quality cable. They are somewhat system sensitive; they can be overly bright if mismatched. 
too laid back, or deeper soundstage?
Joe, there are a number of test CDs out that you could use to test how accurately your system portrays depth. The test track usually has a person walking around a room talking and/or striking a percussion instrument. At different points in the roo...