
Responses from ossorosso

Speakers for Roksan Caspian $300-$600?
I heard a pair of Rega Juras today and they seemed to be right on. I heard them hooked up to a new Cyrus amp, not my Roksan, so I don't know if there is a fair comparison. The price for the Juras is right in the $800 area, hence the new ceiling pr... 
Bi-wire Cable Choices?...
Tonrod55, When you say separate runs (I'm assuming this is in a bi-wire configuration), do you mean 4 separate cables running from amp to speakers? Is this what's called "shotgun" bi-wiring? If I am understanding this correctly, I assume you bind ... 
Bi-wire Cable Choices?...
Tvad,Thanks. I'm gonna give the Canares a try. I will love it if they are the ticket. I'm not really a tweeker and I have no interest in throwing a bunch of coin at an endless pursuit. I am in this for some good sounding music. I dig my stereo and... 
Bi-wire Cable Choices?...
Tvad, thanks for the Markertek info. Got a catalog from them within days. My question, have you (or anyone else out there who has listened and lived with Canare speaker wire) noticed a drop off at the low frequencies? I've read many good things 'b... 
Any Good CD Recorder/Players?
Gracias Jayboard. You are probably right and I suspected as much. I'm now leaning toward hanging on to the Roksan and picking up a good CD recorder sometime down the road. I really appreciate all the insights from everyone thus far. Happy Listenin... 
Bi-wire Cable Choices?...
Alright! Tvad! Thanks for the heads up. I have noticed the Canare bi-wires on ebay quite often. I should have put them on my list of choices 'cause I have been interested in hearing from someone who knows about them. I'm glad for the reference and... 
Any Good CD Recorder/Players?
Howdy, Egoss. Thank you for your input. How well do you think the Tascam CDRW4U records vinyl? Is its playback solid enough to be my main digital source? I know the last question is most certainly subjective. The thing is, and this may horrify man... 
Any Good CD Recorder/Players?
Thanks, Jependleton. I heard Marantz has produced some pretty decent ones, I've never been able to catch the model numbers, though. Appreciate your thoughts.