Responses from ozzy
AudioMetallurgy Zero I.C.'s Osgorth, Sorry last posting was from my Blackberry so text was limted.What I mean is using one Tesla cable is ok , but as you continue to add them to your system the soundstage will get deeper and wider.Adding them meaning, Power cords, interconne... | |
AudioMetallurgy Zero I.C.'s Osgorth, the Tesla cables are best used as a system thoughout. | |
The Best Sounding Beatles CDs The US Capitol box set is very good. | |
Legacy Classics and bottom end? Looked at my posting back on 2005 on this thread. My system has changed completly.What I still believe is the Focus bass can sound boomy or tight , just depends on the cabling and speaker placement.I was able to dial it in with much trial and erro... | |
DH Labs Silver Sonic The DH Lab cables are very good for the money. They have a very balanced sound. Still own a .5 Meter of the Silver Sonic.Way better than Kimber Silver Streak. IMHO | |
Want to buy an Audio Dharma cable cooker I have owned a Cable Cooker for a few years. Very good investment. The cost is about that of a good interconnect and gives you the ability to always keep your cables at there peak.Playing music from CD players really doesnt draw enough to properly... | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? Just ordered the Apex bi-wire Speaker Cable. That will complete my All Tesla Cabling.Power CordsHologram D Hologram AT2InterconnectsApex interconnectPrecsion Ref interconnectSome things I have learned on the way.1. With each addition the soundstag... | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? Splaskin, I have the same cables as you except for the speaker cables.I am not sure wheather to order Apex bi-wire or Precision refernce bi-wire.I will be unable to try both. How did you decide on the Apex speaker cables ?Were you able to try both ? | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? What do you guys suggest to use as speaker cables? I have saved $$$ and am very satisfied with the help on this thread thus far.So far I have:Hologram D on digitalHolgram A on AmpT2 on PreampApex interconnect from Digital to PreampPrecision Ref fr... | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? How does the PR differ inperformance to the Apex ? | |
Opinions: PC's with strong lows roll off the highs You guys need to try the new Synergistic Tesla cables.They seem to provide the balance,depth width frequencey extremes this thread is talking about.I too have been a long time cable junkie. Heck I even own my own Audiodharama Cable Cooker. | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? Joeyboynj,Rydenfan,Fplanner2000Thanks for the great advise and for saving me some money. | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? Since the T2 power cord proved to be a good match for my Preamp over the Hologram A power cord and thus saving me money, should I also consider a lower model balanced interconnect to be used from my Preamp to Amp or stick with buying another Apex?... | |
how do you deal with heavy power cords? Attach a L bracket to the stud above the wall outlet.Thenuse a large cable tie around L bracket and power cord plug. | |
Santana Ultra Disc II 24K Gold by Mobile Fidelity Because of this thread, I now own both the Ultra Disc's Santana debut + Abraxas , the Legacy version of Santana lll and Caravanserai.I am realy jammin' on Santana , thanks!By the way, I had a Santana record called, I think, "Shango" that had a few... |