Responses from ozzy62
Gold Note PH-1000 Best Phono Preamp? Notice the OP never came back to his own thread. That should tell you all you need to know…. | |
Playing CDs sounds better than Qobuz — dammit 3x the cost of the node is still not a terribly expensive piece of gear in this hobby. But well worth the cost. I went from a Node to a Lumin and was delighted. | |
Advice on how to liquidate system This is what a community is all about. A member has an issue and everyone is eager to offer insight and assistance. Very refreshing. | |
Any Thoughts? I like pie | |
Question for Vandersteen owners Whatever subs you end up with, buy one of these. You can thank me later. Anti-mode 8033 II | |
Your experience of moving to two subs Two 👍👍 for two subs! | |
All Stocked Up and Nowhere To Play mahler123 2,424 posts 04-29-2023 at 01:57pm I have a nephew who bought an lp a few years ago at Barnes and Noble and was shocked when he discovered that he couldn’t play it on his computer I weep ... | |
Is it time that Klipsch Heritage marketing a subwoofer? A Heritage sub in the true sense of the word would have to be horn loaded. And for it to add anything substantial to the upper end Heritage speakers it would have to be very large. I think aesthetics and practicality prevent Chief Bonehead from pu... | |
Speaker Recommendations: Corner Placement Klipschorns or LaScalas. | |
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First? I was recently chided in an email for asking 2000.00 for a Music Reference RM-10. I was happy to let the individual know that I received full asking price + shipping. | |
Decware and “The List” riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook 956 posts 04-07-2023 at 05:30pm #ozzy62 Not concerned about what you think is cool. I offered up a brand new amp to anybody that might want one and not have to wait 2 years and he pissed all over it. ... | |
Decware and “The List” @riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook Wow, way to diss a guy’s system. Not cool. | |
Wilson benesch WB isn’t the only company doing this. Reference 3a does it too, and quite successfully too I might add. | |
Klipsch Jubilee & Klipschorn Experience I have heard two of the quietest tube amps recently. A Music Reference RM 10 II and a pair of Audio Mirror Eargasm monoblocks. Putting my ear next to my LaScalas with either of these amps powered up would fool you into thinking they were turned of... | |
Klipsch Jubilee & Klipschorn Experience arcticdeth 1,520 posts 04-01-2023 at 03:48am Klipschorns at low - med volume, …ok any louder and your teeth will break my audition years back, powered by Adcom: monos. with mod squad and carver, it was better, less harsh You l... |