

Responses from panzrwagn

what is the theory behind maple stands and racks?
Go check out the 'boneyard' of your local granite/quartz/marble countertop fabricator. They'll have all kind of options for very little. It's only when they cut and finish the edges does it get spendy. I like quartz because it's a mineral filled r... 
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?
Use a high quality car wax. For light swirls and scratches, use the same methodology as for car detailing. FWIW, I also use car wax on all my guitars to protect them from skin oils and acids. It works on tools, on my Weber grills, especially in H... 
Speaker and Cable Suggestions Please
A lot of nice speaker recommendations. Here's mine: The Monitor Audio Silver 300 7G. It's nearly identical big brother the 500 7G was given Stereophile Class A status for a reason. The 300s work better in smaller rooms, and don't have to be so far... 
Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?
1) Bi-wiring is BS. Period. 2) "Passive Bi-amping" is BS. You’re still delivering a full range signal to both the LF and MF/HF passive crossovers, the unused half of the signal is just turned to heat. 3) Horizontal Bi-Amping allows for hybrid am... 
What Horn loaded speaker/ speaker system for $10k'ish and under
JBL is absolutely killing this part of the market right now. I was never much of a JBL fan (the original L-100s were magnificently built but horrible sounding) until I heard the 4367 and S3900. Where Klipsch are nasal, harsh and have no low bass, ... 
Dynamic Range - the golden key to music nirvana?
@mahgister " The golden key of audio is not dynamic, it is timbre experience and spatial localization... Dynamic is third at best not first and not even second..." As an opinion based on your preferences and experience, I respect what you're sa... 
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes
The McIntosh MA-252 Hybrid Integrated Amp. For $4500 It has a classic 12AX7/12AT7 based tube preamp with a very decent phono stage and a 100W/Ch 8 Ohm / 160W/Ch 4 Ohm Class AB amp. It is built like a tank and looks very much the classic McIntosh p... 
Dynamic Range - the golden key to music nirvana?
Let's define some terms, shall we? Dynamic range, measured in decibels, is the 'distance' between the noise floor and clipping. Of each component in a system. This means to maximize dynamic range that all components should clip at the same time. T... 
Need a new Class AB SS integrated...$2-3k due to hurricane
Marantz Model 40 is a complete solution: 80 w/Ch, Streamer, DAC, FET phono stage, HEOS wireless, subwoofer manage ment impeccable build quality. I own it's little brother, the PM7000N, and it drives my LS-50s, Monitor Audio S300 7G, and Magnepan L... 
Soundstage Heresy IV and Forte IV
If you're serious about soundstage, you can't be serious about Klipsch. That said, Heresies are not much more than knee high, have now low bass, and sound like it. Fortes address both those issues. But if I were looking for the kind of dynamics Kl... 
I'm going to buy my first tube amp. I need honest blunt opinions
I own MA Silver 300s, and have toyed with tube amps (MC 240, ARC Dual 52b) driven with my Stage 3 rebuilt APT preamp. I found that both those amps worked well,with the nod going to the Dual 52b. Of the amps you listed, I would favor the Jadis. I h... 
Any High End Tube Preamps with *gasp tone controls?
Find and examine an APT preamp from the late 70s. Designed by Thom Holman (the TH in THX) it not only has tone controls, but adjustable turnover frequencies, phase switches, A>B / B>A and a A-B to A+B fader that is an education in imaging an... 
KEF LS50 Wireless II vs. Harbeth P3esr
You have a very basic 'horses for courses' issue. It has nothing to do with DACs or power cables. Your current system, Harbeths and tubes, is very euphonically voiced and enjoyable. The KEF LS-50 is very specifically voiced as a near field in-stud... 
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?
 A farm kid in my High school class blew his entire farvest pay on a McIntosh stack, Bose 901s, Thoens TD-160 and Shure V-15 Type 3. That was my introduction to HiFi and Pink Floyd. Later, A much smaller rig with AR-4s, AR-XB w/Shure M91ED and a S... 
budget speakers
Monitor Audio Bronze 50 will deliver the clarity you're looking for without being overly bright as well as the best dynamics in their price range. Unlike most small speakers, they work best at least 5ft from the listener. Highly recommended.