Responses from parsons
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions Hour 48 and I feel like the soundstage collapsed a little. Tones still feel right, but perhaps a little darker. Cymbals don't sound as "shimmery." Small percentages here, but noticeable. I have music playing 24x7 to the DAC. | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions @gdhal I'd love to hear if you can shoot back to that Stones tune and see if you still hear a pacing difference now that the Yggy has had some more time to run in? Would be a cool thing to know either way.@david_ten I once sold (actually gave ... | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions Ha, I’m eating my words on this one. The new Yggy sounds awesome right out of the box, cold. The pace is back after 24 hours on the SOTM equipment and for fun I plunked in the new Yggy to get it burning in. It easily sounds as good as the old one,... | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions Also, my new Yggy arrived yesterday, but I'm not going to set it up for a little bit as I want to get the SOTM gear situated before I make an Yggy comparison between non analog 2 and analog 2.I will also be sure to do some critical listening right... | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions One more comment on burn-in, then I'll stop...but I was just reminded of it when I dropped my new SOTM "trifecta" stack into my system last night.Aside from the soundstage effects you can sometimes hear that I previously mentioned...One clear side... | |
Tube Preamps..... +1 LTA MZ2. I have one in my 3rd system. I've had it in systems #1 and #2, and it's incredible for the money. It's just barely beaten by an $8K integrated and an $18K pre-amp, and it easily beat an $8K pre-amp I demo'd (and didn't buy because o... | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions Some believe in break in--others don't. I'm one of the firm believers. It's cool if others disagree.When I had the $16K DAC in my system, I listened closely to a number of tunes I know very, very well. What I noticed was the soundstage tended t... | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions I should add, I have not heard the SA-10...I'm only presuming it has a similar DAC/analog stage to the NA-11S1 with the added transport in the same box, and added cost. I neither assume it to sound better as a stand-alone DAC, nor worse. That's ... | |
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions I hve been thinking about buying a Ygg..Some comments about this thread.I had, years back bought a $2,400 DAC, highly praised by both Stereophile and TAS.I returned it as it sounded no better than my old (bought for $250) Adcom DA700.Up to now, I ... | |
Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet? Thanks, I hadn't seen the very most recent update--and I looked a couple weeks ago. | |
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup Has anyone received their Druid 6s yet? Mine were supposed to have shipped any day now, but I didn't yet get a shipping notice. I've seen zero comments anywhere of late, which has me curious as to whether any have shipped? Has anyone else on th... | |
Anyone receive their Zu Druid VIs yet? For any fellow Zu Druid 6 customers, it appears mine are in paint today and may ship within a week. I think I ordered them in October, so if you’ve been patient like I have, they might be arriving soon. | |
Best 845 tube out there? Olivier, thanks for the report. I have what sounds to be a similar system and I notice that "shouting" sensation on a lot of stuff that's new...hopefully you'll hear the voices move back in the soundstage with some burn-in, as you suggested...I s... | |
Best 845 tube out there? OK, PSVane WEs arrived in good shape. They were packed well in foam but not in individual boxes...side by side in foam compartments inside the shipping box itself, but well protected. They look a little different from each other--the glass tip o... | |
Reference level DAC + Streamer Ha, thanks Mike. I guess it's no longer 2017, huh? i think I need some new glasses as I've responded to a number of old threads this last year.Appreciate your response! I suspected they might have their differences given the topologies. Going ... |