

Responses from pennfootball71

Help me spend $100,000 on a new system
I love how nobody actually answered the question and became realtors instead or told him to buy some crap tube Cary midfi or said his current set is great when it isn’t because he is not happy! So in my next post I will answer the question!    
What to expect if I import an amp and preamp from a Japan seller via US eBay
I hope the Audiogon Cheap community realizes grey market products have no protection or warranty and you risk your product being seized if you send it in for factory repair with no recourse of getting it back from the distributor or factory. Also... 
What to expect if I import an amp and preamp from a Japan seller via US eBay
Well expect it won’t sound right with our power! Transformers also won’t work with it well since it is designed to work with a hair dryer or coffee machine not an audio grade part!  You will never have a warranty or support if something breaks. Y... 
Accuphase Bookshelf Speaker Pairing recommend
Just get something easy to drive like Klipsch whatever cheap bookshelves on cheapaudioman says. Your accuphase is designed by Japanese engineers who like sweet warm stuff that is not accurate! so you want something with horns. Under 2 grand will... 
People hate what they can’t afford or people hate what they can afford, but don’t want to put the money into and buy it! Why do you think so many people complain about sports cars?    
Integrated for TAD ME1: Luxman, Accuphase or Soulnote?
I am selling my Luxman L-590AXII These are all junk for the quality TAD can make. get a Mola Mola Kula integrated or something like an Aavik or wait for a Gryphon Diablo 333  
Anyone has a reference system where amplification is SS ?
solid state is the only reference! tube amps all leak DC and can’t handle many power swings or bass    
power cable
Get another cable don’t be cheap  
Speaker placement Quandary
Rule of thirds make an equilateral triangle to listening position so they are the same width apart as distance to your head! then move speakers back until bass is boomy pull out until base is just right. this is the most stupid proof way! If yo... 
Anthem STR pre and power amplifier
These are decent for the money, but you’re better off buying something else maybe a better integrated from Mola Mola for example.  
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
I love these questions. Why is it the big speakers matter? Why is it the cables matter? Do I really need to spend a lot of money? you don’t have to do any of this. You can just bang on rocks with sticks,  
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
Bluesound Node N130
Update node software  then use usb   
Still looking for a new Moving Coil Cartridge
Unfortunately, with your budget, you’re not going to get much. You really need a Hana Umami Red MC cartridge before you will get anything listenable. That is the best bargain in hifi but still about $3500 ish.  
Can you touch the tubes?
I heard that licking the tubes will give you deeper sound stage, and better channel separation! but you can only lick them counterclockwise