

Responses from phillyb

Does the Mark Levinson 331 suck?
A amp sounds what comes before it. Mismatch the front end then your amp passes what it was fed. A preamp gain impacts sou d quality of it is a mismatched for the amp. I owned the 333.5 years ago and enjoyed it. Was used with the matching preamp th... 
McIntosh MC402
The MC 402 is just a classic amp, it sounds natural in a tube way, bass slam when it is on the recordings, great imaging, and placement. It threads the needle on solid-state and better tube amps. My speakers can go below 30Hz and the impact when o... 
Power conditioner some say yes and some say no.
I have tried many, and good ones, sold them all. The only one I held on to is a PS Audio P-12 Regenerator for my front-end gear and it does what they say it does. My amp is always into the wall no matter what I was using. The PS can clean up the i... 
Calling out spatial audio m3 sapphire owners!
Spatial Audio M3's Sapphires are not bloated, boring, and so on. They are one of the finest affordable speakers I've heard in 35 years and those who have actually heard them in their system say the same.  
Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp- ANY and ALL FEEDBACK / HELP PLEASE
The Mark Levinson is a very natural sounding preamp with Ultra-low noise and in fact, any power conditioner messes the sound up. Not hi-fi'ish and in your face, but once you listen for a while it sounds like how real music sounds, forceful when ca... 
A non-subjective recommendation for the Puritan PSM156
PS Audio Current Regenerator is nowhere near bright, natural, bass improves, highs extend, but not forward, and the distortion is lowered and a BIG thing never mentioned is keeping the ac voltage at 120V. With their units you can raise the voltage... 
Will changing gain affect frequency response?
I own a Mark Levinson preamp that has adjustments in gain for each input, the values are 0,6,12 and 18 db. My a amp is a McIntos h. I have played with the adjustable gain settings and my system comes to life with the preamp gain for my CD unit at ... 
Preamp choice: ML 326s or Rowland Corus
M.L. amps are very good. So much false claims on line. The 326S is one of the best preamp made, the 333 and that series was great also, could there been issues from time to time, sure just like any electronics. There our owners whom have had no is... 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
I owned AR, Rowland, ML, Mitner, Krell, and I have had my McIntosh MC 402 longer than any of them, and the reason why the amp sounds good on very speaker i have owned from dynamic speaker, Electrostatic, and now open baffle. I never thought I own ... 
SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier
Cannot tell how anything sounds on YouTube, the mic used the room, and so forth, the only way to know how it sounds in your system is inserted there. Been lots of positives on this preamp, and a lot say the same positives things about it, best of ... 
Why not more popular?
"I’ve heard Emerald and several other boxless dynamic speakers at shows and they sounded good, with weak bass, and less dynamic than I’m used to". You’re not talking about Spatial Audio speakers, they kill what you say on the faults of other older... 
Audioquest Power Cords
I watched it means zip, you can hear it! It's not hard to either. I can disable the DBS on the speaker wires and interconnects and the sound goes from really good to poor, on the power cords I like it disabled because I get more body and warmth an... 
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
I still am buying CD's I don't follow trends, I've burned some discs to USB and played them back and the CD always sounded better, and I still like holding a disc. I have neither the time nor care to burning 1,300 CDs and god knows how many songs ... 
ORANGE Fuse rejected
I don't have a sterile sound or a dull sound, of too much bass or highs, or unbalanced sound reproduction. My fuses are what can with the gear. Go figure.  
Puritan PSM156
Balance conditioners have an impact on the sound and you will hear a difference but all I've to own is a stripping effect, clean yes, but a loss of body weight and tone. I owned a Furman 20i and loved the HC outlet section for front-end gear, but ...