

Responses from phoenixengr

US source of Panzerholtz?
I did a DIY plinth several years ago and settled on Corian/MDF/Corian.  The MDF was soaked with a very thin 2 part epoxy (Smith Systems Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer or CPES), sort of a poor man's Panzerholtz.  The results were quite impressive a... 
VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!
"i assume that they are using encoder interpolation to get the count up to 2560 P/R?"The encoder ring has 160 poles (80N/80S) spaced every 2mm. This would produce 80 PPR on its own. The pickup interpolates 8x (this is the source of the SDE or subd... 
VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!
The DD motor has noise of 0.004, I believe measured a the headshell. VPI has made TTs with belts but nothing as quite as this and the speed is super stable. I think you are referring to W&F; 0.004% is what HW has claimed in numerous videos, bu... 
US source of Panzerholtz?
BKB Industrial in Canada is the NA distributor:http://bkbindustrial.ca/They sell it under the brand name Delignit B15 and B25.  
VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!
"The second arm on the longshoreman's pier of an armboard as pictured clearly relies upon a junction box. "Putting the tone arm at the end of a "diving board" that can flex is never a good idea.  The primary dogleg arm board appears to add a lo... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
A couple of corrections:  I no longer sell audio components or make any money from designing them.  This is purely a hobby for me as I'm interested in the technology (for now).The 5 or 10% of your post I responded to was the only relevant part of ... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
"ignore the technology and measurements.i did......or i do every day." I never understood this position.  While the sound produced by a component might be the only thing that matters to some people, perception is highly subjective and dependent o... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@mijostyn- David hangs out on What’s Best Forum, you can contact him there.He did an expose on the table in 2015 when it had an earlier motor controller:https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/the-american-sound-turntable-beyonds-minimalist.18161/ ... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@richardkrebs-ThinGap does make a different series motor (LS51, same price ~$600 in qty.) with higher pole count (higher driving freq), lower power (48W) and higher winding resistance (4Ω); it is still coreless and would be much better suited for ... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to "look under the hood" on very many of them, but based on my limited exposure:Belt drive: American Sounds AS2000. David Karmeli not only understands high end audio, he gets the physics and engineering part... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
"....why do you think VPI use trapezoidal commutation?Surely this is not optimum if they want to minimize torque ripple." The controller is made by Elmo Motion Control (Gold Twitter Solo), and while Elmo's PC control software is fairly comprehen... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
"In my industrial world, traditional motor absolute speed control was obtained by either servo motors/ controllers or motors with speed encoder feedback.However in past few years drive controllers have become so sophisticated that now best speed r... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
"Dear friends: I would like to know if each single LP was recorded/cutted at exactly/accurated 33.333..rpm and if for any reasons exist tiny deviations from 33.333..rpm accuracy why or how can we or not detected through an accurate TT that spi... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
"But I was a bit puzzled by your statement: "A 24 pole motor turns at half the speed of 12 pole motor so the frequency of the cogs is identical in both (120Hz)." In a direct-drive turntable, doesn't the motor have to turn at 33.3333 rpm, rega... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
From my experience, the highest performance for either belt drive or DD is a 3 phase BLDC motor with the caveat that it is run as a 3 phase AC synch motor and not a DC motor (they can be operated both ways).  If done right, they have little or no ...