
Discussions photon46 has started

Help with recording image of record groove needed23606
Springsteen's "Magic" on vinyl, opinions?404214
Anyone considered solar powered audio?108542
Dealing with HVAC vent air flow noise?176648
Question about video scalers442510
What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?4169463
VPI owners: what alignment system do you use?22761
Help, what's the best "Sticky FIngers?"570712
Flattening warped lp's with Seal dry mount press697115
Dire Straits "Making Movies" on Simply Vinyl28545
Grado Sonata pops out of grooves during crescendos45457
Need help with problem burning cd's with Mac G431209
Is there a problem with setting VTF this way?31576
Anyone used carbon aero laminates for shelving?16460
Musical accuracy in subwoofers392313