Responses from pinwa
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes @blkwrxwgn I liked the LinLai E-6SN7's in my SLP-05 better than the Sylvania, Raytheon VT-231, Foton 1960's, or new production TungSol 6SN7's that I tried. The LinLai's don't color the music the way some of the other tubes do but still somehow ma... | |
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes @borisj the store name is Hi-end Tubeaudio Store. They have periodic sales. The quad currently is $298. | |
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes I have purchased 8 LinLai E-6SN7 tubes from various vendors on Aliexpress. Most recently I took advantage of a special and got a matched quad for $250. Other than the labeling I am convinced that these are identical to the Grant Fidelity tubes. ... | |
Best turntable under $4000 I had the RT85 and personally found it unlistenable. I felt the sound was brash, excessively contrasty and very unnatural. I bought a used Rega P6 with the Ania cartridge and have been really enjoying it. It is an enormous upgrade from the RT85 ... | |
Fluance RT85 owners question 12" is fine a long as you have room in the back. I had mine resting on a 12" wide piece of MDF. I'm sure you can get the dimensions online but remember to leave some room for cords. | |
DAC better than Denafrips Pontus II In December of 2021 I bought the Pontus II and the Gustard X26. After listening closely and switching back and forth repeatedly with precise level matching I felt there was relatively little difference between them but I preferred the greater tran... | |
Gustard R26 You got that right. Your bad. | |
Gustard R26 @soix I have no interest in spending my time doing an apples to apples comparison of the X26 vs the R26. I was careful to specify the configuration of both DACs to let the reader draw their own conclusion. The only thing that is relevant to me i... | |
Gustard R26 @soix The Iris connects to the X26 through AES or Coax. I2S doesn't work. What does or does not make sense to you makes little difference to me but rationally the better the DAC the less important the DDC should be. In my experience the Iris m... | |
Gustard R26 @soix Three reasons. 1) The Raspberry Pi endpoint might be the weak point in my streaming setup so directly connecting the LAN to the R26 was attractive. 2) The Iris is incompatible with the I2S pinout of the R26 so that mode of connection is un... | |
Gustard R26 @whart I'm guessing @sgreg1 is referring to the thread at Head-Fi which is almost 2300 posts long. Many of the posts are fairly technical so that might be a better place to ask your question about DSD. I'm looking forward to seeing how the R26... | |
Gustard R26 @whart I have the X26 Pro and took advantage of the Black Friday Sale to buy the R26 which came Thursday. I hooked it up to my LAN and Roon recognized it without any problems. I burned it in for about 36 hours before I listened to it this evenin... | |
Aric Audio Custom 300b PSET Congrats on your amp. I have an Aric Audio Super 300B SET which has been a revelation. It has been a little easier to do some tube rolling since there are only two 300B tubes. In increasing order of preference are JJ 300Bs tied with TJ Full Mus... | |
Bottlehead moreplay vs Audio research reference 5se (early impressions) The Moreplay is a seriously good preamp for the money. I like my Cary SLP-05 better but the Moreplay was close to my PS Audio BHK preamp. If you upgrade the capacitors and do a little tube rolling it gets even better than the stock kit. As the ... | |
Any Near Audiophile Bluetooth Speaker? These sounded very good at the Pacific Audio Fest |