
Responses from pmm

Too Much Gain the Issue ? (preamp and amp)
An indication of too much gain is how much you need to turn the volume knob to achieve room filling sound. Say, for example: some here, find their volume too loud, when the volume knob is at the 8 or 9 o`clock position. Two ways to rectify this. ... 
Open Baffle Experience
@goose  You sir, make a good point, and have credibility.  
Open Baffle Experience
 The reality is most speakers are just wooden boxes with drivers in them. It has been that way for decades but the public have been duped.  Well, kenjit: here are some that have not been duped. Do not listen to folks who claim open baffles ar... 
What Gear Has Disappointed You?
Bought a new Rotel 975 cdp for $550, back in 1996, not cheap. 7 years later, the drawer went bad, controls unresponsive. This happened twice, in a three year time period, and had it repaired by two different techs. Well, as the saying goes- "the t... 
Polk L100s - tube integrated recommendation
@lmartinez_02170   Unison Unico: search the discussions.  
Are advances in technology making speakers better?
What should you do? First of all, relax. You are always being told to upgrade Good advice. I am so confused what should I do? Watch Steve Guttenberg videos.      
To pricey
This has become so typical of posters here, most detractors never even heard the speakers or brands they often criticize in their home Most here, in this thread, have. Those complaining about B&W being bright and so on, please tell me whi... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
@holmz : Funny. I was thinking "how it sounds" when I typed "performs". Thanks for pointing that out.  
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
"It`s Mid-Fi" - I`m being facetious. There is no such a thing as an "audiophile" amp. It is no less "hi fidelity", than Belles, Krell, McCormack, or Parasound amplifiers. How it performs depends on the speakers, and upstream components you have t... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
It`s Mid-Fi, bettered by a Realistic receiver.😄  
CD player suggestions...
Yamaha, Rotel, or Cambridge CXC with Schiit Bifrost 2. Stretch the budget for that Cambridge with a Danafrips Aries II  
Rogue Medusa or Dragon owner review? Details?
No Rogue Hydra?    
What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?
Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world ? I don`t have to hear it. Totally subjective. It is what sounds best to you.  
Black DAC FX Wifi vs older III
often wondered if it could be improved by bypassing the volume pot Sorry, kind of late to chime in: Surprising, there are some of you unaware of the flexibility this DAC has. The gen III model`s volumne pot can actually be removed out, by tur... 
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One
Mysterious Island - Bernard Herrmann