

Responses from podeschi

World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
"WFHNGF" Huh? 
Best Bookshelf speaker 1300.00 budget
BTW i have heard Proac D2 and it is a great stand mount. Exceptional at imaging. 
Best Bookshelf speaker 1300.00 budget
KEF LS50 is only ported speaker I have heard that doesnt sound ported (many have bass hump and start huffing at higher levels). LS 50 has incredible drivers and technology for the money. Will be used in my second system with CJ Premiere 350 amp an... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Charles1dad, i had/sold vac ren mk iii not the signature. P30 was more lively, extended, fast, open etc, and almost matched harmonic textural realism of VAC. Both were/are winners. I thought Hegelbrought out best of vac 450 amp. Aprica88, i took t... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Charles1dad, I had (and sold) the VAC Ren Mk iii, not the signature. The Hegel P30 to my ears made the VAC 450S sing - tighter more articulate bass, bigger soundstage, more air and extension. The VAC Ren slowed down and constricted the 450S by com... 
Phono preamp comparison/Pass,Herron,Avid
Great choice. Dont be afraid to run it wide open without any cartidge loading plugs. I think my VTPH-2 is the longest tenured component in my system. It sings with my Benz LP-S cartridge. 
Help me pick some speakers
Just picked up a pair of KEF LS50s new....amazing speaker for the size and price. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
JWM, I sold the VAC Ren Mk III. Will have a replacement soon. Was surprised how at least one other preamp brought out the better side of the VAC 450S amp. Interestingly, I never thought I'd a hear a preamp that would beat the VAC Ren Mk III, it wa... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
I would definitely look for Hegel products. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
I didn't roll tubes in my VAC Ren Mk III. Speaking with VAC, the signature preamp is good with rolling tubes, not so much in the Renaissance. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
I borrowed a Hegel P30 to try in my system to compare with my VAC Ren Mk III preamp....connected into Statement VAC 450 stereo amp driving Magico S5. As context, nothing I have had in my system before came close to the VAC preamp. I bought a Conra... 
Magico S5 review
Spent the last few days speaking with Scott Walker in California. This dude rocks. He obsesses perfection like all of us do. Never met the guy in person, but I can tell he wants, he needs, he wishes for me to realize the full potential of my Magic... 
Best Bookshelf speaker 1300.00 budget
I'm picking up a pair of the new KEF 50 anniversary speakers for a second system. I also heard the new SF bookshelf speakers are special. 
Phono preamp comparison/Pass,Herron,Avid
Another vote for Herron VTPH-2. I have changed over almost everything in my system but the Herron has stayed. I am running (on a Clearaudio Innovation Wood) a Benz LP-S on a graham phantom supreme thru Tara labs zero to Herron (as well as Miyajima... 
Magico S5 review
Just spent the morning listening to my S5 (with the new grills attached). Didn't get a sense the grills take anything away sonically and they look great. For kicks I put the Magnepan 3.7 speakers in the mix and A/B versus the Magico S5, using same...