
Responses from ptss

Amp making noise on shut off
Thanks again Atmisphere :) 
Amp making noise on shut off
Thanks. Mine is ss amp. 
Oppo 103 & Roku?
I'm using Sony 65 inch 4K. Nice to my eyes.  
Oppo 103 & Roku?
I have a best quality Roku stick ( I forget the name)  Wow. Amazing picture and audio plugged into my Oppo 205. So cheap its a giggle :).  No brainer if you want some extra tv, movie and audio channels. $50 bucks, a one time cost! -- basically fre... 
MIT Matrix rev 60 speaker cables. Has anyone listened to them?
Joe is a Jewel . Straight as an arrow :) 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
I use an MIT non networked AC3 pc and it was obviously great as soon as plugged in. Likewise with the AC1 and AC2 :)   No need for break in to notice improvements with my Spectral gear. Even using just an Oppo 205 for movies :) 
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
Millercarbon. Check the Equitech website :)  I use a 2Q and would never be without it. I've also got a Sound Application unit which is a terrific compliment. Common mode and differential mode noises.  
MIT 350 EVO reference i/c
Free trial no longer available from MIT. 
Benefit of shielded ac wire? Any downside?
Checking into BX it seems like the sensible option as it also protects from nails, screws and rodents.I wonder what hi-fi companies that sell high end like Spectral, Pass, Levinson, Goldmund, FM Acoustics, Constellation - advise their clients re h... 
Power Conditioners
Does anyone use Equitech 2Q to any benefit? 
Which DAC? PS Audio Direct Stream OR Berkeley REFERENCE Alpha DAC 1 /2
You may want to check your ears.To mention the PS Audio as competition for the Berkeley Reference seems unusual?Perhaps I'm missing something? No offense meant; just curious. 
Goldmund Studietto
Contact Bill Thalmann at Music Technology repair center.  
What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?
As usual PBN AUDIO is on the money :)  PT Barnum said theres a Fool born every day - or is that a suckered? Whats the rest of your system - so this question can be evaluated correctly ?  
Have speakers really improved within the last 20 years??
I'm with speed-up.... Prove it isn't so - and to make it easy for you - use the measurement of speakers 20 years ago, including distortion components, versus , say a rather basic Revel M126be of today. He he... as your post, all in fun :) 
Benefit of shielded ac wire? Any downside?
@ mijostyn. Thanks. How/why did you decide on this?