Responses from pubul57
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? you might find this interesting$20k%20PRE-AMP%20for%20$200.html | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? Thank you. | |
Preamp for Pass OP, what next? What are your thoughts so far in response to all this feedback? | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? AGREE!! And, what is the Warpspeed??? | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? Why is a preference for distortion and/or coloration utter nonsense? What is wrong with prefering it. Distortion is measureable, not a subjective gremlin, what if you also happen to like the the piece with more distortion? How many folks have love... | |
Preamp for Pass Which one? :) | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? And I assume Terry is using the XLR connection which is 30kohms on his amps input so it so match ok, assuming not too much time is spent at 5,2kohms. But this is theory and Terry is a pretty experienced listener, I have to assume the CF works very... | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? I find the sonic personality of different microphones to be stunning. Not sure if it was HP or Atkinson, but it was a demo of the same music/location played through a series of mircophones - the soundscape sounded completely differrent and complet... | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? And ST is a "cheapskate".... | |
Which speaker post to use: 4 ohm or 8 ohm? He posted that he cannot hear the difference, so preference may not be the issue, but tube life is, the 4ohm tap driving the speaker is easier on the tubes. | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? I agree, there is nothing wrong with folks liking coloration that please them. I would just say that on principle, I would want my preamp to offer as little as possible so I can use it with alot of different amps and speakers with different voices... | |
Preamp for Pass I did forget to mention, that the Joule LA150 Special Edition sounded absolutely wonderful with the XA30.5 --- though single ended (no XLR which may be a non starter for some). | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? I agree with Sam, when you need gain or have an impedance mismatch and long cables you need an active line stage, and I imagine when you need an active it is pretty obvious when comparing it to a passive. I agree that ultimately one must choose wh... | |
Which speaker post to use: 4 ohm or 8 ohm? Atkinson is right, and while you will lose some power with the 4ohm tap, it should be more linear and lower distortion, and a lighter load on the output tube, so longer tube life. That is the theory anyway, if you can't hear the difference, I woul... | |
Preamp for Pass Should be fine - the XLR input impedance of the XA30.5 is 30kohm (the RCA however is 15kohm and that might be pushing it, don't know without trying it, sometimes listening overrides theory). |