
Responses from pubul57

Preamp for Pass
20kohm input impedance is the minimum recommended amp load according ARC. 
Preamp for Pass
I'm seeing the LS26 SE (RCA) output impedance at 350ohms. Where are you getting the 20kohm spec? 
Preamp for Pass
Whatever problems there were, it was not an impedance issue, the Cary has only a 400ohm output impedance - that should work with most any amp, even Pass' "tough" input impedances. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
George, I'm not sure that Teajay's "LSA test" was with his own system, it might have be a group of audiophiles getting together, comparing notes - obviously testing the LSA with Pass gear would be far from optimal, like testing a 3 watt SET with a... 
What time do you wear?
The band does look the same, I would think you would have the same problem with the Monsters....though my wrist seems unscathed and adjustment knob (not the technical name:) on the Monster is offset to the 4:00 position which seems to help. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
George, it just does not seem possible that there is a preamp on the market with 33kohm Zout - does it? It would be almost impossible to match with most any amp. Unfortunately, their website does not provide a Zout for the preamp, but as a hybrid ... 
Preamp for Pass
Can't see why the LS26 would have an impedance mismatch issue with the Pass amps, seems to be perfectly within the theoretical impedance considerations, as it has fairly low output impedance to a tube line stage (350ohm SE) - which does not mean i... 
What time do you wear?
This thread led me to the Seiko Orange Monster - quite a nice watch for the price, feels like a much more expensive watch, might get a black monster too. 
merlin tsm/primaluna?
Does anyone in the world, then or now, make an "L" other than JJ? 
Favorite Pre Amp and Amp with Vandersteen?
When I owned the 3As, the Quciksilver V4s were a good match. I heard that for many years RV had Vandersteen at home. ARC sounded great at Rutans;s The CAT JL2 were a step up from the QS, but at 3-4x the price.McCormack seems to be the long term SS... 
merlin tsm/primaluna?
I sold the Fila and kept the RM10 - but the Merlins sound superb with both - the Fila is a bit more in the warmth and tonal richness camp of amplifier design, the RM10 is a more neutral approach and nicely controlled and articulate bass, which I t... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
In the Aleph L manual, NP goes on to say,"If you need gain, above the 3 o’clock position the volume control provides 2 dB of gain per step, for a maximum of 10 dB. In this region you will be listening to the active circuitry of the Aleph L.As an i... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
George, I think we are in agreement, as Anthony is likely to be, and it might seem Nelson Pass is likely to be in agreement too, and yet we find many(?) audiophiles that still don't see it that way, and I respect their view as well, but I guess I ... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
And I forgot to mention, I think the LSA gives me that. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Yes, and probably why I have stuck with Merlins for 9 years, or 187 years in audiophile years:)Thinking about passives versus actives all these years, it brought me back to the words of the Master (aka, NP) describing his Aleph L line stage (manua...