
Responses from quattr0

A rare opportunity (or at least I think it's rare)
Wonderful experience! Thanks for sharing.  
How can you evaluate a system with highly processed music?
@mglik not sure if you have read this old piece. https://www.stereophile.com/content/capturing-it-live-peter-mcgrath I was lucky enough to listen one of Peter's recordings recently. Needless to say I almost got tears in my eyes. I'm now also con... 
Owners experience with Aesthetix Mimas integrated amplifiers
Thanks for sharing. Just found this post. I am enjoying my Mimas as well. More intimate, thicker/more meat on the bone than Audio Research I/50 (very wide but thin). Surprise me a lot as Mimas is Class AB SS w pretubes.  Rest of the system Wilson... 
Grimm MU1 Roon Question
@smatsui just go to Roon's Settings, Storage. Click on the vertical ..., select Edit, Browse. You should see the Aurender'shared drive listed.  
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"?
@svenjosh what kind of DAC do you have? I've tried Shunyata, Audience, Transparent XLR and can't tell any difference fr Mogami. I have Weiss 501 DAC and SabrinaX. @nadimjaber the dealer told me mu1 is best w aes. Just ordered mu1 also. Will be h... 
Law Of Diminishing Returns?
@jjss49 diminishing returns does not mean lack of positive returns, that last few percent improvement may well be worth it for those who choose to pay for it - this applies for many many fine things in life, not just hifi Sorta agree and disagre... 
Lyngdorf MP-50 Alternative
Another Lyngdorf product with RoomPerfect? My Lyngdorf tdai-3400 is for sale if you're interested. 
A system for my college-bound daughter
MartinLogan Crescendo-x will be top of the list look wise and perhaps sound wise too...still have enough money left to add a CD and turntable.https://www.martinlogan.com/en/product/crescendo-x 
Should I keep Naim Uniti Nova as streamer/dac or trade for a new streamer/dac
Thanks for the response. I never said "you said" Nova sounds better. It was someone's else post. Sorry for the confusion. 
Should I keep Naim Uniti Nova as streamer/dac or trade for a new streamer/dac
What did you end up with? There's a post on usmart the owner mentioned that the Nova sounds better than Luxman-590AXII for him. I thought that's odd as have read nothing but amazing on the 590.