
Responses from quincy

Phono Stage_Skoll-by Schiit Audio
I sent them an email stating the above.  
Western Electric 12AX7 coming this summer.
Thanks for posting!  I saw the same article last night and read it with great interest. Lets all hope his new business works out and is successful!  
Worth fixing?
Oops....sorry about that...  
Worth fixing?
Not worth fixing.  Same thing happened to me, but the transport device gave out.  Wrap it up and keep it down the basement as a memento to fond memories....If you don't have the space be wise and recycle the unit...  
What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?
I had / have the same concern.  I don't want my system or records winding up in a garage sale.  I have a specific 'codicil' added to our last will and testament that spells out what is to be done if no one (in the family) wants our music system an... 
New Outlets Lead to Better Sounding and Tasting Coffee
He, he, he......  
Jonathan,  Your lucky that your hearing is still pristine enough to enjoy every tid bit of nuance in your music.  I can't hear a travel alarm clock going off in the morning anymore.  But, I still enjoy my system, and still enjoy my Lyra Delos MC C... 
Does the length of the Cable matter?
As a general rule, as I have been told by repeated 'experts', keep the interconnects as short as possible, ~1 meter.  Amp to speakers can be much longer, but use high quality speaker cable, not lamp cord....  
Phono Stage Question.....
Thanks for the link lloydc!! Good information! It's helpful!  
Phono Stage Question.....
rauliruegas...thanks for your input.  It has great value. One question not answered in the review.  Is the PS phase or non phase inverting?  Very important to know, especially with C-J equipment.    
Dedicated line, how many outlets two or four?
Two good quality hospital grade outlets is a good choice!  
Steely Dan On The Water
Hi Millercarbon!  Glad you are back!  Have not seen you post for awhile.  Hope everything is okay! Lou  
What is the forums opinion of SVS subs?
Soix is 100 percent correct.  I own two of the SVS subs he speaks of.  I've had them over a year now.  I am happy with them and do not regret the purchase!  Good luck on your decision!  
Kef Reference Tweeters-Ferrofluid Replacement
Skid, I'm not sure about the glue.  Ask the folk's your buying the new pieces from....and good luck!  Let us know how it works out.  
Kef Reference Tweeters-Ferrofluid Replacement
Don, good question!  I'm not an expert on ferrofluid, but I would believe yes, it can dry out just sealed in a plastic bag.  The ferrofluid comes hermetically sealed in a small pouch, similar to what you get catchup and mustard in.  The pouch need...