
Responses from quincy

Kef Reference Tweeters-Ferrofluid Replacement
What speakers do you have?  Have you pulled out the voice coil yet and cleaned up with alcohol?  Voice coil floats in a annulus, can you post a few photos?  Compair your tweeters to mine.  I attached a link at the beginning of this thread...  
different people may hear the same sound differently...
Great post!  Thanks for sharing!  
SCAM ALERT For AudiogoN Sellers - Too Many Questions
Agree!  Good post!!!  
Try This With Your SS Amp
Many moons ago I had a CJ premier 11 amp.  It had Svetlana 6550's.  The violet color plasma within the tubes would swirl around.  It was memorizing.  Alas, no Svetlana tubes being built any more....  
Why don't we tire of music?
Ah, that is called an 'ear worm'.  As far as I can tell everyone suffers from the phenomenon.  For me recently, 'Fly Robin Fly'.  A old disco dance song!  
Why don't we tire of music?
larsman.  Wasn't really sure where to post this question.  My logic told me that analog would work because we are analog beings.  We don't hear music, or anything else for that matter in digital, we hear in analog, actual sound waves.  Hence the p... 
Magico M9 a ton of weight and a million dollar price tag $750,000
Why would you need 6 amplifiers as stated in the write up? How would one pre-amp hook up to 6 amps? And, at 1,000 pounds each a fork lift truck will be necessary to move them. It would be interesting to see a private owners set up for these mon... 
MM, MC, or MI cartridge
Great question! Excellent replies! Thank you!  
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
Thank you Dave for the excellent explanation... I really appreciate your succinct and elegant description!! Lou  
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
Atmasphere......The Ah-Ha moment! http://www.atma-sphere.com/en/mp-1.html Is this the company you represent?  I apologize that I did not recognize you as a tier one supplier of high quality phono stages.  I will study your web page further.   ... 
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
I have been following this thread with great interest, and have been learning a significant amount! Is there any chance the major contributors to this thread will be designing, producing, and selling a new type of phono stage in the near future? ... 
Tube Life Video - Enjoy!
He, he, he.... I've got a neighbor that talks like he does...  
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
Now, now... let's try and keep it civil.  I've enjoyed the discussion this far and am impressed by many members knowledge base.  Which is very helpful to the lion's share of members!  
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
Yep, your correct! Thanks to all for the support!  
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
Well, played many favorite records at 47k for awhile.  Didn't like it overall.  A little to bright, if that's a good analogy.  Switched loading to 200 ohms yesterday.  Better.  Not much difference from the original 500 ohms I've been running for t...