
Responses from rcprince

sony scd777es and sacd
Joe.kras, I e-mailed you directly about Audio Logic (that's Jerry Ozment's company), which is doing mods. I also found the old post from this summer, which indicated that Great Northern Sound might also be doing mods on the Sony units, essentially... 
DVD player, which to use for a cd transp
I also use the Marantz DV18 as a transport, but only for 24/96 discs (I have a Forsell transport, which I like better for regular CDs). It worked fine as a CD transport, except that there were some discs that the Forsell would have no problem with... 
sony scd777es and sacd
If you compare the sound of a dual-layered CD/SACD as jchai suggested you'll see the difference between the two formats, which I think is significant. The problem you're hearing is probably partially the break-in, as others have noted, but also pa... 
Top Ten Tube Amps of All Time?
I nominate the Jadis JA-80 and JA-30 amps (hey, I own the former, gotta show some conviction here). Classic designs that still compete with anything out there today when it comes to natural sound reproduction and truth of timbre. 
Preamp or Not to Preamp?
I second Sedond's recommendation. I think the ARC's power supplies and output stages are superior to those in any CD player, and that could make a significant difference. But it doesn't hurt to try, and your ears are the best judge in this case. 
Top Ten Tuners of all Time??
The Day Sequerra FM Reference--truly a work of art, sonically and visually. Another great sounding older tuner, in addition to those listed in this thread, is the old Musical (British) Fidelity T2 tuner, which was a wonderfully sweet sounding tuner. 
Vinyl vs. CD
My preference is towards vinyl, although good digital these days has its attractions--I can now listen to CDs and LPs in the same listening session, where I had trouble with that for many years. I wonder if some of the problem stems from your old ... 
Worst Music of All-Time
Dekay reminds me, when I was in college, fall of 1969, I heard Yoko Ono's first solo album in our dorm, which consisted of one side of her continually making an "eeehhhh" type sound on one note, and the other side the same with another note (or at... 
Who R U?
I'll bite. I'm 50, and a corporate finance/general corporate lawyer who works in downtown Manhattan and commutes from NJ. I got into this hobby through my love of music--I was in a rock band in high school, switched to folk in college at the Unive... 
Eagle John Iverson
I remember an article in Stereophile about Iverson's having disappeared--probably within the last few years, but time seems to go by too quickly for me, so you might check to see if it ever got in their on-line archives. I think the article mentio... 
Interconnect integrity question
I see no problem with it, so long as you're honest with your impressions. You can disclose that you've done the testing in your future posts which might relate to the items you tested, if you want to point out the conflict (did you guess I could b... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Gotta keep this thread going, it's given me all sorts of music to listen to, many I would never have thought of or tried. Here's some more for your consideration:Brahms, Intermezzi in A major (Op. 118, no.2) and B flat minor (Op. 117, no. 1), I pa... 
Sources for NOS tubes
Andy at Vintage Tube Services. He knows tubes, and has excellent test equipment. He has never let me down, either with recommendations or with the tubes I have bought. 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Having just returned from a performance of it by the NJSO, I'd like to add the "Nimrod" variation from Elgar's Enigma Variations. Any preferred recordings of this piece for any of you? 
$1600 SCD-777ES - Where?
You should probably just call them. They were advertising it at $1799, and our firm has an account with them where we buy large quantities of computer equipment, so I got one at a better price. Hopefully they're not sold out.