
Responses from rcprince

Wilson tiny tots
My recollection of the Tiny Tots was that they were a location monitor made by Dave Wilson to monitor his recordings.  They were described as (1) ruthlessly revealing with a somewhat rising treble, (2) difficult to drive (they went below 1 ohm at ... 
Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp
I'm not familiar with your preamp, so it is tough to make suggetions, as many tubes sound different in different circuits.  I will say the best 12AU7 variant I have used in any of my equipment has been the Telefunken ECC802, but I think what you m... 
Thiel owners
Doubtful, but I suggest asking this on the Thiel Owners thread, you'll probably get the answer there.  
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
Linda Ronstadt did a lot of nice covers.  I especially like her cover of the Eagles' Desperado.  
Where do you buy your vinyl?
New/unused records can also be gotten online from Elusive Disk and Music Direct.  Versions and pressings don't matter much with new stuff, IMHO.  If you want used, if you're in NJ. I'd suggest going to Princeton and the Princeton Record Exchange, ... 
Replacement power. Ps
I actually know what you mean about the trips to Brooklyn, one of my ML 1.1s kept switching into standby during play, turned out to be a defective relay but took a few trips as it was hard to find because it was temperature-related.  As for a repl... 
Replacement power. Ps
M 1.1s or ML 1.1s?  In either case, I would be hard-pressed to come up with something better.  What aspects of your current setup are you looking to improve?  
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
Duntech Princesses--6 feet tall, about 180 pounds each.  
Fuse Direction for Pass Labs Amp and Preamp
I can tell you that Lloyd Walker suggested that I try the fuse both ways in my Walker Motor Drive to see which direction I preferred.  He could hear a difference, but I could not.  I'd suggest that you follow Lloyd's advice and see if you have a p... 
Thiel 2.3 2.4 coaxial drivers filled with ferrofluid or not ?
You should ask this question on the Thiel Owners thread, someone there should know.  
Jadis amps and pre-amps still competitive?
They don't NEED to be used together, although they do have an undeniable house sound.  I found my JP200 to work extremely well for years with my Lamm ML 1.1s, and I'm sure they would also mate well with my VAC amplifier (my JA80s sounded really go... 
Snell Type A III vs. Klipsch Cornwall IV
If you do decide to sell the Snells I think you'll have no shortage of buyers, they are classics.  One thing I don't know about is where you have to place the Cornwalls for best sound.  The Snells were designed to be up against or near a rear wall... 
Survey on Cost of Loudspeakers Supported On Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
I use the original version of the Podiums, called Speaker Cradles, under Nola Micro References originally listed for around $14-15K.  I agree with others, the cost of the speakers is irrelevant, I'd say most speakers would benefit from them regard... 
Dunlavy SC IV Speaker- Any Good???
As to your question about power, I think Dunlavy suggested 100 watts per channel.  My recollection is that the Dunlavys were about 90db efficient, and a nominal 4 ohm load.  For my Duntech Princesses, a similar load, I used a Krell KSA 80 (100 wat... 
Dunlavy SC IV Speaker- Any Good???
I wouldn't wait for a pair of IV-As to show up.  They were tweaked from the IVs to add a little more bass extension, bit I don't think it's necessary.  If you want more bass extension, wait for a pair of SC-Vs. The Duntech equivalent of the SC-IV...