
Responses from redwoodaudio

Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.  
Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?
Makes sense that room constraints or manufacturer recommendations would be common reasons. I recall the bass on my klipsch forte iiis was insane against the wall, but I ended up pulling them out for soundstage benefits. 
Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
Thanks very much. I'll try roon upsampling and hqplayer upsampling with the qutest. I've never played a dsd track before.  
Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
These DAC technologies are absurd, in the best way. I know the difference between 10 pounds and 20 pounds, but 10 elements and taps vs 20 and 20, I don’t think so.i like the HQ Player idea, though. Never heard of it.Interesting about the potential... 
Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
Definitely don't need another pre, that's true. I'll look into that aspect of TT2 features.I am super curious about the mscaler, but also about non chord DACs. I use a hifiberry digi + for streaming.  Does top notch qobuz beautifully most of the t... 
Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
Thanks. I'm hoping to hear a TT2 from a friend's system shortly. He says similar things. Thanks for the reply. Have you ever heard the M scaler?  
Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
I know, it's a crazy perfectionist pursuit, but damn if it isn't fun too.But seriously, anyone upgrade from a chord qutest?  
Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"
What will the mscaler do for me soundwise?  
Cable droop
Hate it when the cables droop, but we’re all getting older, I guess... 
Sam here.l realize now why so many people think my ideas are crazy?
In searching for solutions for the distress in our world, it may be time for us to consider that many of our most basic assumptions about reality are in error...Not sure about the hair part... I’d revisit that one again when sober.  But the above ... 
Hopelessly Confused
Vincent sv500 is a decent integrated with very good bass performance at a good price (made in China) . I've owned it. Made my klipsch forte iiis sound like dual subwoofers.  It started to sound a lot better with an expensive power conditioner in f... 
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers
God forbid somebody want to live in that midrange for awhile. Have You ever spent real time there? I'm just breaking in a pair of Omega Junior Alnico singe drivers and when well-positioned, are a dream come true for experiencing the clarity and sp... 
Explain what is a clean power amplifier?
The devialet expert 120 I'm selling is one CLEAN sounding amp!  
Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?
The claims of these cable manufacturers with regards to their proprietary geometries, materials, processes' effects on sound quality (ie holography) would be a lot more useful and credible if they told you what level or type of audio system was re... 
This Equipment Recommendation Actually Worked Out Well!
I bought a torus max isolation transformer based on the ideas here. Got it open box for 1k.  Thing weighs 50 lbs and can easily power all my equipment. Hard to describe differences, but I think overall everything sounds cleaner.  Not sure I would ...