Responses from redwoodaudio
Review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC just went up on Stereo Times Today, for very reasonable amounts of money there are many excellent DACs that offer higher levels of performance with slight differences between them in actuality.This is definitely good news. Where do you think this one falls in? Better to your ... | |
Review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC just went up on Stereo Times I guess we just have to read between the lines here. If the reviewer had thought this was an especially good DAC, relative to others, he would have written that. If there were any apparent shortcomings with this DAC, I guess we'll have to figure t... | |
New Goats Head Soup Pardon the naïveté, but how are you measuring the DR on your recordings? | |
Are all Audiophiles masocists? Masochism is about pain as pleasure. Music is about pleasure, not pain. If you’re suffering for your hobby, that’s different. If you can’t enjoy the music, that’s probably more on the obsessive compulsive spectrum. I do think that OCD perfecti... | |
Analog or Digital and why? Of course top-line analog rigs will sound amazing... they better! But if I'm starting out in this hobby and my choice is having easy access to 80 billion digital albums overnight vs owning zero records at home, the decision is made for me. This ... | |
Rel vs the world Lots of subs have high level connections, not just rel | |
to my friends of AudiogoN, Hey, lots of heroic doctors in the VA system. I’ve worked with them. Veterans have some of the best free healthcare you can get. The brass at the VA on the other hand... The post office analogy becomes more apt. | |
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question Small wattage SET amps (2a3, 45, 46, 211) turned me me into an audiophile, but SS pass labs xa30.8 with EAR 868 tube preamp got me off of the SET train and into beautiful hybrid heaven. | |
What makes a DAC so expensive? Engineering is expensive. Parts are expensive. Manufacturing is expensive. You can go the cheap route or the bespoke route. If you really want to know why good DACs are expensive, read the reviews! | |
What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service? I've bought from Brent Jesse and Viva Tubes with good results. Nice to have options, although Andy has some rare stuff that I couldn't find there, like NOS 46s, he was going to look in the warehouse for about two months ago... | |
What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service? Don't hold your breath! Maybe a follow-up phone call or three would be worth your while. | |
What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service? I don't really use checks much anymore. I guess I really didn't understand how he operated and took payments. I gave him CC# info and had to call him like five times to actually do the transaction. I should have just mailed him a check? That's sim... | |
D'agostino amplifiers: where's the beef? The jewelry and status cars are a good example. You think those companies like leaving money on the table? If you could charge that much, you probably would. | |
Should music critics also be audiophiles? The quality of the recording, at least in modern music made with modern means, should be more of a factor in music criticism. Compression, for instance, should be discussed as ain important factor that enhances or diminishes the enjoyment of a rec... | |
Integrated brand choice -- Simaudio, Hegel or Mark Levinson? Try pass labs int25 |