
Responses from redwoodaudio

Are all amps being built wrong?
@jtgofish thanks for the link, quite interesting  
Recommendations and thoughts for end game speakers and amps
Rockport and Absolare amplification are common partners at shows. I don't have Rockport, but I now have an Absolare Signature Integrated, and it blows away all other amps I've heard (of course, I have heard nearly everything). The Absolare website... 
Critical listening and altered states
@asctim - Salvia and 'reality as we know' it don't really overlap, so not a great tool for music appreciation :) 
Critical listening and altered states
THC helps me enjoy music more.  It has even helped me make important decisions in my life, including audio purchases.  I don't care if others don't use it or don't like it, but I'm grateful for having access to it and have been for many years.Psyc... 
Harbeth 40.3xd vs Graham LS5/5
@echoz - you’ll probably love any of these speakers at this level of bbc monitor style and probably love the ATCs as well.  These are strong speakers that all will like and most will love.  No weaknesses of the smaller siblings, which are all grea... 
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend
@verdantaudio, if you’ve gone this far (and you have gone very far, indeed!), you deserve to listen to a lampizator in direct comparison (and I want to hear your take too). Something like the newer Atlantic TRP or higher (TRP is about $7k to 8k). ... 
My Experience With Tekton
Thanks for sharing your experience!  Isn't this fun when it works out? 
Harbeth 40.3xd vs Graham LS5/5
I recently dropped some money on a nice lampizator dac, absolare integrated amp, and some good cables, having first spent big money on the LS5/5s earlier this year. The LS5/5s are like a giant clear window into the rest of the system. You’ll enjoy... 
Another GaN smaller integrated, Technics SU-G30 has everything bar the kitchen sink.
The use of speaker impedance data to perform DSP on any speaker it’s connected to is quite interesting. Wonder how that compares to the more powerful and elegant Devialte expert series, which has that feature for only select speakers? 
Harbeth 40.3xd vs Graham LS5/5
Can’t help with the comparison as I’ve only ever directly compared the 30.2 with Graham’s LS5/9 back to back in my house. Consistently preferred the Grahams in that case due to better treble extension and air.  That’s why I bought the LS5/5s, whic... 
Upgrade Time
If you want to upgrade and simplify everything in one fell swoop, find a Devialet expert 200 (dac, streamer, full powerful integrated in beautiful slim package) on the used market and buy some very nice speaker cables. If you want to play the incr... 
Brennan b2
I've never heard it, but a non-audiophile friend of mine swears by his.   
Rank the top reference DACs you've heard
I now own a Lampizator Atlantic TRP which I love (tonally right, spatially excellent, detail just right).  I've recently heard the full dCS Vivaldi stack (CD/DAC/Clock) in a friend's system (with top-line CJ and VAC tube gear) and the contrast was... 
RMAF 2021 Cancelled
I hope my decision to delay ticket purchases until a little closer to the show wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back... This would have been my first audio show and I was pretty excited. 
Anyone have experience with Octave integrated amps?
I've had a couple of tastes of Octave, V40SE (gave it up when I was pretty naive after short demo) and older V110 (developed biasing problem).  Excellent amps.  Have always considered going back and trying them again.  Rock solid musical foundation.