
Responses from reubent

How to have great HT and 2-CH Stereo
Keep the receiver, buy seperates (or an integrated amp) with HT bypass. Connect your CD player to the new pre/integrated, connect yout HT source to the receiver, power your mains from the new 2-channel rig, and Power your center, surrounds and HT ... 
really small speakers less than 500
I love this speaker. I bought mine from Alan at I think he will give you a 30 day return policy too. Try them and Love them!!!!Tom 
Stereophile lists? Where can I find them 
Triangle Titus
They are awesome at the list price of $495. I've had mine for about 2 months and couldn't be more happy. I don't think they are unattractive, especially compared to other sub $500 speakers. The Titus is very detailed and images well. I would howev... 
integrated amp w/ Triangle titus spks?
I bought the Triangle Titus xs from Alan too. I really like them. I can't imagine a better sub $500 speaker. I'm using them with an Arcam Alpha 10 integrated amp. I like it very much and it has great flexibility. It is out of your price range, and... 
Favorite Xmas movie ?
"Trapped in Paradise" is one of my favorite comedies, and is also a great Christmas movie. It stars Dana Carvey, Jon Lovitz and Nicholas Cage. Not sure about the sound, but I love the movie. 
Triangle Titus xs?
Matt, I will be receiving a pair of Titus xs on Wed. 11/15. I'll try to post a review here or at I've been very curious about this speaker myself. They seem to be a bit hard to find. I've heard many dealers are out of stock, and t...