really small speakers less than 500

I am looking for a really small speaker the smaller the better something like the old ads speakers with a maxium whoofer of 6 inches yes I know bose has some really small speakers but lets talk at least in the league of paradigms to start, thanks Nick
Look at the Dynaudio Audience 40s now being sold for less than $500 new because they've been replaced by the 42s.
You want small? You want low cost? They're oldies but goodies...Spica TC50's. Good luck.
I love this speaker. I bought mine from Alan at I think he will give you a 30 day return policy too. Try them and Love them!!!!

Can hardly go wrong with any of the above. I've heard Spicas, Paradigm, PSB and NHT. All sound fine.
You want inexpensive? Try the Sound Dynamics RTS-3. Audio Advisor is closing out the rosewood versions of these for something like $190 per pair. I believe that there is a link the the RTS-3 review from The Abso!ute Sound on the Sound Dynamics website. You really can't go wrong with these speakers. Especially for the price.