Responses from reynolds853
KT 150 Amp Options Ayon has some KT150-based amps. | |
Snell speaker repair near Sacramento I used Google and searched for "loudspeaker repair, sacramento, ca" and found quite a few firms you might call. | |
What do you recommend for a solid state for office I would consider the Rega Brio-R. | |
Snell speaker repair near Sacramento I would suggest removing and shipping only the drivers that need repair. Shipping the entire speaker is unnecessary. | |
Rogue Cronus Magnum Tube Rolling What is the amp's current tube compliment? | |
Advice on 3 different system combination Thieliste,I do not have experience with the other components you have listed but I do like my Ayon S-5.In constructing my systems I have always tried to take a balanced approach to the components included in the audio chain and would instinctively... | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil I have an all tube based system and am very pleased with the performance of the CAST-Cu capacitors in the speaker crossover. | |
Rogue Audio Yep, in my experience too Rogue's customer service is beyond reproach. | |
Will the resale of Dynaudio speakers be hurt I really like their drivers and hope that they will not be negatively impacted. | |
Connecting an iPod to my MAC 4300? Kimber Timbre or Hero cables. | |
Connecting an iPod to my MAC 4300? I'd get a docking station and connect to one of the inputs, say one of the tape inputs. | |
Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there? The ayon Titan is 75wpc PSE using a tube derived from the 300B. | |
Speakers that turn your analytical mind off? Schw06,I recently had an opportunity to audition some Mosaic interconnects and speaker cables in my system. I suspect they were the same interconnects as yours. The speaker cables were the entry level ones, but I wish I could have heard the top-of... | |
What speakers are people using with the AYON Matt,I think your Contour 3.0 speakers would be fine, but as I am a fan of the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter you might consider the Contour S5.4 or the Confidence C2 Platinum.John | |
What speakers are people using with the AYON Matt,I use Silverline Bolero speakers with a Triton-1. I would like to second what Erik said, that any reasonably efficient speaker will work fine.Cheers,John |