Responses from reynolds853
Rogue vs ARC Dgarretson,Thank you for your reply, and you raise some very good points. I don't know why he had the experience he did, but it may indeed just have been an outcome of ARS' brief foray into SS. And to support your comment about good circuit design... | |
Rogue vs ARC An Audio Research D350 came into my local shop recently to be sent out for repair. The owner had called ARC to arrange for them to repair it but they said that it was never a very good amp to begin with and recommended that he just buy something n... | |
Rotel RB-1090 v. Aragon 8008BB I would go with the Aragon or the PMA. The PMA is a great integrated amp. Very musical and delivers very high current.I'd Nix the Rotel from your list, and I'd punt the Rotel preamp too. | |
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you I'd have to save up another $10k and go for the Silverline Grand Bolero. | |
Anyone familiar with CANTON spkrs The Ergo speakers are still around but the present models benefit from Vento technology - they are better than the Ergo speakers with which you were familiar a few years ago. | |
Canton Reference Any opininion? They are excellent speakers. | |
5751 tubes in Rogue Tempest? I use RCA 5751's and 12AU7's in my M180's, and RCA 5692's in my 99 Magnum preamp. I think the system sounds great. Strong bass, rich mid-range, silky highs with lots of detail but without sounding sibilant. I have Mundorf S/G/O capacitors in my Si... | |
Merlin TSM comparisons I owned the Merlin TSM-SE speaker but after a side-by-side comparison preferred the Silverline Audio SR17.5. But we are talking about speakers that were at two different price points when they were being made. At the Merlin price point, I know of ... | |
Silverline SR17.5 crossover modifications? Pmboyd,I posted my reply before reading the entire thread, and particularly your post where you said you had changed your mind, so please don't take any offense at the fact that I posted after you said the issue for you was settled. I would, howev... | |
Silverline SR17.5 crossover modifications? I have a pair of 17.5's that I acquired this past December. I had been building my system around a pair of Merlin TSM-SE speakers, but when I brought the Siverlines home and did a side-by-side comparison, it was no contest and I moved to the Silve... | |
Rogue vs ARC Luna,Thanks for your reply and I am glad you found it useful. In my post I wanted to make sure that I answered your question right away before I started rambling!The guys at my local shop speak very highly of Harbeth speakers so I'm sure you are g... | |
Rogue vs ARC Luna,Compared to the ARC amplifiers about which you asked, the Rogue M180s are faster, have a more tightly controlled bass, and possess more air in the top frequencies. The M180 build quality if fine as far as I'm concerned, and I am happy with mi... | |
Focal Mini Utopia vs Merlin MXe Sstalwar: One more thing: Upon reading your original post again, I realized that you were not clear if you were interested in Merlin TSM or VSM speakers. I had assumed that you were interested in the TSM speaker since you were considering the smal... | |
Focal Mini Utopia vs Merlin MXe Sstalwar,I wanted to add that the reason I suggested Silverline is that in an earlier post someone had suggested Dynaudio speakers to you, and Silverline makes excellent use of Dynaudio drivers. | |
Focal Mini Utopia vs Merlin MXe Sstalwar,I've owned Merlin TSM speakers and loved them for jazz but not so much for orchestral music. I switched to Silverline SR17.5's and am very pleased with how they handle both genres. The more current Silverline model is the Silverline SR17 ... |