Directional wires/cables

Is there any reason to support the idea that cables, interconnects or any other kind of wiring can be considered directional? It seems that the theory is that carrying current will alter the molecular structure of the wire. I can't find anything that supports this other than in the case of extreme temperature variation. Cryo seems to be a common treatment for wire nowadays. Extreme heat would do something as well, just nothing favorable. No idea if cryo treatment works but who knows. Back to the question, can using the wires in one direction or another actually affect it's performance? Thanks for any thoughts. I do abide by the arrows when I have them. I "mostly" follow directions but I have pondered over this one every time I hook up  a pair.


@richardbrand +1 

to add: DC is connected btw source and load with two wires, one is for forward the other one for return current, in opposite to forward direction. This makes all cable directionality proposals DOA. 


The AC signal that is transferring energy from the source to the load (amp to speaker for example) is NOT doing so by moving electrons from the source to the load. Electrons are NOT flowing down the wire like water through a hose.

Think about it..The energy will flow through a capacitor which has an insulator in the middle of it. How do the electrons flow through an insulator? 

The energy can travel through a vacuum where there are no electrons, think radio waves.

High frequency AC  waves are commonly sent down tubes called waveguides which are hollow = no conductor = no electrons. 

The amplifier transferring energy to the speaker does it by moving electrons backwards and forwards through the connecting wires.  If the energy was flowing in space, you would not need fat wires and the wire resistance would not matter. Some energy does leak out as electromagnetic radiation but this energy is wasted!  QED.

A capacitor acts as a storage unit for electrons.  Pump some in on one plate, and electrons will depart from the opposite plate.  Then the current will stop unless you pump the other way (that is, reverse the applied voltage). Lo and behold, current flows the other way.  Keep alternating the voltage, and alternating current appears to flow through the capacitor, even though the plates are completely insulated from each other. The higher the frequency, the less impedance the capacitor presents to the flow of AC alternating current although the capacitor completely blocks DC (direct current).  QED

Energy can flow through a vacuum as electromagnetic radiation (light, X-rays, infra-red heat, radio waves, microwaves, etc) which vary from each other only in frequency.  Energy can also flow in a vacuum as electron streams (think the old cathode ray TV sets, vacuum tubes, electron microscopes).  So what?  QED

At very high frequencies, most of the current flows at the surface of a conductor because of the skin effect.  The effect becomes important at radio frequencies: at mains frequencies in copper the skin is about 10-mm thick!  Consequently for high frequency transmission, there is little reason to fill the centre of a conductor with expensive metal.  Instead the energy is carried by electrons flowing at the surface of the hollow tube.  However, there is a conductor and there are electrons flowing.  QED


I think the answer is instantly. The switch is opened, Games over.

This was in response to what happens when a light is switched off, and of course the answer given is so wrong on so many levels!

When the light is on, it is because power is delivered in an electrical circuit featured by voltage and current - likely to be direct current in a car or alternating current in a home. When the current is suddenly interrupted because the switch is thrown, electrical pressure builds up at the switch. This pressure is known as voltage. If the current was big enough, the voltage becomes high enough to ionise the surrounding air and cause sparks at the switch contacts.

This is precisely the phenomenon used by older car ignition systems to generate very high voltages from 12-Volt DC electrical systems.

On another level, the light will keep generating light as the current it receives slowly dies away. High power incandescent lamps will still be hot enough to shine for a while after receiving no power at all.

Albert Einstein would assert that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. It would take at least that long for the signal from the switch to reach the bulb. He would also say that there is no such thing as a single instant. Time is relative to where you are and how fast you are moving. Your ’instant’ is different to mine! But you claim to know all this stuff?


Were it the DC voltage/current, from an amp's power supply, modulated by the amp's output devices, into an amplified musical signal; it would appear much more complex, but: still a sinusoidal wave

The musical signal is more than a sinusoidal wave, otherwise it would not be considered musical!  We talk of the harmonics that make say a flute sound like a flute, or an electric guitar sound like the distorting amplifier it is connect to.

Fourier theory has it that any repeating waveform or musical note can be represented as an infinite sum of sinusoidal waves, being the base frequency plus all the possible harmonics or overtones.  You can create a graph of the frequency spectrum of the note, although the original note exists entirely in the time domain.

You can apply a mathematical Fourier transform to convert the time domain into the frequency domain, and back again (but not perfectly).

This idea is so pervasive that many audiophiles speak and think in the frequency domain - the treble does this, the midrange does that, and the bass something else.

The only thing I can think of in nature that converts the time domain to the frequency domain is our ear / brain system, which fires complex patterns of neuron activity where the original neurons which fire respond to particular frequencies, but fire at rates depending on loudness.  The initial firing pattern depends on arrival patterns in time.

There are a couple of issues.  Obviously we do not hear high frequency harmonics above say 20-kHz.  To reconstruct sharp transients (for example square waves) very high frequency harmonics are needed to capture the leading edge.  And mathematically without these high frequencies the Fourier transform wobbles before and after the leading edge.  As more higher frequencies are added, a spike appears extending the leading edge.  Ouch

      For anyone interested in expanding their understanding of sinusoidal/audio signals, without a lot of semantic gymnastics: