Responses from richmon
Preamp Deal of the Century My foam tubes are on the interconnects where the AC cord is nearby or crossing, my goal was to eliminate or reduce those electrical fields in and around the AC from the signal. wire/interconnects. Sorry I wasn't clearer about that, no foam tubes ... | |
Preamp Deal of the Century My 20yo Chenin is quiet, all cords and IC;s have those foam pipe tubes cut to length and separates AC from the signal wires. All components seperated on their own shelf, I had hum at one time and that seemed to resolve it. | |
Forgotten heavy bands from late 60's to early 70's Youse guys are good, lots of goodies mentioned. a few that slipped twee the tracks: Leafhound 'growers of mushrooms; Tommy Bolin 'Teaser' | |
CJ MF2200 or Threshold CAS-2? @jmarki ... guess I want to walk back by suggestion, being as the speakers and amp are partners, your speakers are already at the level of the amps you have and likely wouldn[t respond to an amp upgrade as much as mine did (I way upgraded my speak... | |
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies As a long time user of the Omega E mats, thought I'd share this. Been doiing various tweaks recently to lower the noise floor in my rig, one of the best ones was the Puritan 136 power conditioner, really wowed me with how good everything sounded ... | |
CJ MF2200 or Threshold CAS-2? Agree with russ69, I had the MF2250 paired with Supratek Chenin and Revel M106 bookshelfs, and at low volume it delivered warmth, detail and soundstaging. Had it for 20 years. Fast forward to present, I retired and bought Magico A3's and started ... | |
Cartridge Loading.....Part II Been following the cartridge loading threads with interest. I have a VPI Prime, AudioTechnica ART9 MC and Supratek Chenin which has a cart loading slider switch where I can change values while playing LP's - 47k, 1K, 100 and 10 setpoints. Used 'A... | |
audible illusions vs supratek, vs holoaudio vs backert @budburma -- member jslateiv is a stateside tech for Supratek, in North Carolina. I sent my 20 yo Chenin in for a lookover and replace parts that might be due, cost around $500, highest recomend for Johnny's work, | |
More on the Onzow Zerodust Found a very interesting post from johnss from 5/12/2020. Seems he's been examinng LP's with a microscope and seeing these cantilever gunkies: to paraphrease his post (thank you johnss): "Have looked into this for a long time and taken many micro... | |
Fedex and Ups Damage thread Methinks whenever a UPS or FedEx disgruntled employee see's a 'fragile' sticker(s) they intentionally manhandle it. Had a Conrad Johnson MF2250 sent into the factory for upgrade, on the return leg to me, it was dented big time, looked like the fo... | |
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health hope Eric comes to grips with diminishing playing skills, I thought of how Keith Emerson dealt with his diminishing ability to play when I read this. +1 on the 'Blues' recommendation, I find much of his solo stuff uneven, that Blues collection as... | |
Grounding cable gauge size Please help me to understand, I'm curious to try this speaker grounding tweak since my speaker cables go directly into a floor hole and are suspended in the rafters of my basement. So I can run a wire from the black '--' speaker terminal to eithe... | |
Grounding cable gauge size Thank you Ozzy for trying this stuff and reporting your results, I think it was you that put me onto the Puritan power filiters which continue to wow me. Just read an Analog Corner article from Nov 2021 on electrical wiring that I thought might i... | |
More on the Onzow Zerodust On a a lark, googled 'is dust magnetic' , appears there's some studies that show it can be: My previous residence was at the top of a hill close to an I95 beltway, the constant tire grinding up the road debris made this weird fine dust settle on m... | |
More on the Onzow Zerodust I only have a 40X jewelers loupe to examine my cartridge. When this Onzow issue first was reported, I noticed similar looking 'dots' of whiteish grey spots on the cantilever and cartridge body magnets, while gently trying to scrape them off, I not... |