Responses from rivinyl
Torx screws for Leben Lid Thanks for the help! All set . In case anyone out there needs to know the lid screw for the CS600 is TRXM3 x 5. Stay warm! | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes I did reach out to Y Hontani and he did say the modification is available. I must say I am wondering if its available in the USA as in the recent past, J Halpern stated it was not. But if it is an option, has anyone ever heard the sound of the m... | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes Ahh, found him online. Will reach out to him. Thanks for all the advice. Another interesting tidbit. The US distributor shared that the preamp tubes do not have to be a complete match. Again I appreciate the input. | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes Ok but who is he? | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes No how does one reach him? thanks | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, those vendors both have a single tube. I did reach out to High End Repair and he emphatically told me there was no such modification available or planned. | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes Yes, but thats not the issue. I have found the matching is not reliable. So one thinks they are buying a quad of NOS only to find out later that were not well matched. | |
Rega Naia Aphellion 2 phono preamp I haven't heard the Entity but did sample the Slipsik 8 ( for MM ) and was quite impressed. I compared it to my Modwright ph 9.0X and found the Slipsik more engaging and musical. It actually made me want to listen to records. | |
Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables? I recently went through the same search. Ultimately bought Audio Art Copper Cryo speaker cables with upgraded ETI Copper spades. Also bought the AAC D1-SE2 digital cable ( check out review on Audio Bacon) They are outstanding! Believe me they ... | |
Black Ice F159 or Gold Note PH-10 ? Have you looked at Lejenklou? Gets great reviews. | |
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out Has anyone had any experience with the Quicksilver phono stage? | |
MoFi "Mobile Fidelity" Master Phono. I would be interested in hearing your impressions of the MoFi, if you did indeed bring one in. | |
Line Magnetic 218a vs Leben CS600 -- am I insane? (aka when good beats great) Don't worry.....you will just like all of us. | |
Phono stage for second system Has anyone used/heard the Sound Smith Phono stages? | |
Has anyone heard the Gato Audio PPA-1 phone preamp? I have not heard one but the reviews are quite positive. Did you end up purchasing one? If so how does it sound? |