Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes

I know this is a well worn and exhausted discussion regarding Leben cs 600 pre- amplifier tubes.  But, I thought I would share my experience searching for this scarce tube.  I have been able to find what I thought were two matched quads from two ebay dealers/sellers.  I sent them to Western Glow Tube Services ( highly recommend BTW) to be tested.  Out of 8 tubes, one was defective and only one "fairly good" quad was identified.  I don't recall where I purchased these tubes but I know one was an EBAY seller and think the other was a fairly well known dealer online.  I have also inquired with Tone Imports and with Leben's US service center regarding the reported pre-amplifier modification; the answer is NO IT IS NOT AVAILABLE.  So, I bring this forward both to alert others of the possibility that those matched quads may not be matched ( or even functional ) and to see if anyone has been able to find a reliable source for the 6CS7.  Lastly, maybe its time to start collectively contacting Tone Imports regarding the need to start modifying our CS 600's.  I wish us all peace and happy listening.


No worries...I don't think his email can be posted here but it's a trivial search to find elsewhere. Best of luck!

Ahh, found him online.

Will reach out to him.

Thanks for all the advice.  Another interesting tidbit.

The US distributor shared that the preamp tubes do not have to be a complete match.

Again I appreciate the input.

@rivinyl also check Andy Bowman of Vintage Tube Services.  He is the only one I trust and has quality tubes.