Responses from roberjerman
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help? @noromance I own enough amps and preamps to equip a store! I have my favorites, too! Same for speakers - their sonic signatures are certainly more easy to discern! | |
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help? @noromance With two amps of different gains the bass and mid/high sound levels won't match! That would hardly make for good listening! The OP wants to give his father the Denon and keep the Yamaha for the Polk's. I personally would do the opposite... | |
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help? @noromance The OP is a novice! My advice is correct! The two amps must be identical for bi-wiring to work properly! Let him install two jumpers per speaker and use just one amp at a time! | |
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help? Yes, the top diagram is correct! Just get two jumpers (a few inches of wire will do) for each speaker. Forget about bi-wiring (the correct term). Use only one amp at a time with your two speakers - after you install the jumpers! | |
Setting up 2 power amplifiers to setup at once help? There should be jumpers between the two reds and the two blacks. Get them! You still cannot bi-wire the A7's because you don't have two identical amps. | |
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss? Too bad JBL couldn't re-issue the L166 Horizon! A much better speaker than the L100! I have a pair! | |
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss? The FR MC201 was a really nice sounding cartridge! Favorably reviewed in IAR. Wish I still had It! | |
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss? @grsz06: I have a GAS Thoebe preamp and a Quatre Gain Cell amp in my collection! Both worthy of resurrection! And I owned the FR MC201 in the long-ago past! | |
Why do amps sound different? I have some SE amps: 2A3, 45, 6BG6. They do sound nice in use with my Heresy's! | |
Why do amps sound different? @atmasphere Paul Klipsch opined that what the World needs is a good 5 watt amp! Along with his K-Horns, of course! I believe he favored the Brook 2A3 PP amps! | |
Why do amps sound different? The speaker is THE overwhelming influence on SQ - NOT the amp, preamp, DAC, interconnect, speaker wire, fuse ... | |
Why do amps sound different? Most electronics (amps, preamps, DACs) have been essentially sounding alike for the last 20+ years! Contrary to what the "golden ear" crowd claims! The marketplace dictates good sound and weeds out poor designs (except for some tube gear!). You wa... | |
Why do amps sound different? @path73 John Otvos did that with his Waveform speaker. He used a custom-made three-way active x-over made by Bryston and three Bryston stereo amps (one per driver). No internal passive x-overs! Excellent SQ! And this was 30+ years ago! Now apparen... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Ohm's Law rules the amp/speaker interaction! And I agree with you that DF need not be excessively high to have adequate results! | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. I read a report by JA measuring a Prima Luna tube amp (some years ago). He found an output impedance of 8 ohms! This means a DF of 1 ohm or less! Combined with the typical varying impedance of most speakers this is way too high! How can supposedly... |